US History: VHS Summer: Emily Perry

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    The Gilded Age Industrialization 'The process in which society or country (or world) transforms itself from a primarily agricultural society into one based on manufactoring of goods and services.' Before the American Civil war, agriculture was the biggest industry in the American Economy. After the war, industries such as steel and oil became the biggest in the economy.
  • Massacre at Sand Creek

    Massacre at Sand Creek
    The Massacre at Sand CreekOn the morning of this day, the Colorado Volunteers lead by Colonel John Chivington surrounded Sand Creek. Although a gesture of friendship was extended by Chief Black Kettle, this was ignored by the Colonel. The troops were then instructed to kill all. This resulted in the deaths of 400 Cheyenne Indians, of whom where mostly women and children.
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    US History: VHS Summer: Emily Perry

    This timeline depicts important events of American history. It will span from 1877 to 2011.
  • The Gilded Age

    The Gilded Age
    The Gilded Age
    The Gilded Age occurred after the Civil War. It was a time of great exapanse in the economy through manfacturing of steel, oil and partnerships with the banks. During this period America became the greatest industrial nation of the world. There were the very, very rich- the captains of industries such as Rockerfeller, Carnegie and Morgan. But not all shared in the wealth, with poverty still evident.
  • Immigration Surge

    Immigration Surge
    The Rush of Immigrants
    Immigration could be divided into two categories, the old and the new. The old included thousands of German and Irish people. The new would bring more of the same but with immigrants from Sourthern and Eastern Europe and Asia. Bring new complexions, languages and religions. Making America a rich and diverse culture. The Statue of Liberty welcomes all new immigrants.
  • The Tarriff Act of 1890

    The Tarriff Act of 1890
    Hawaiian AnnexationAlso known as the McKinley Tarriff. This Act caused American import rates for sugar to increase. Resulting in a severe depression in the Hawaiin sugar industry. In the past, Hawaii had dominated the American market, as special terms had been awarded by the United States. This Act negated these special rights and put Hawaii on a level playing field with everyone else. This Act was named the McKinley Tarriff after William McKinley who played a pivotol role in the instatement of this legislation.
  • Imperialiam

    Imperialism Hawaiian Annexation 'The policy of extending the rule or authority of an empire or nation over foreign countires or of acquiring and holding colonies and dependencis.' America became imperialist when President McKinley signed a 'joint resolution annexing' with Hawaii. This was so America could make naval bases on Hawaii and this would increase the American military
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    United States take-over of the Philippine Islands

    The Spanish-American War and its consequencesAt a time when America was looking to extend its empire, the Phillippine Islands were under an oppressing spanish rule. Taking place durig the American-Spanish War, the Philippine Islands declared its independence from Spain. Although the Philipine Islands had declared itself as an independent nation, the 1898 "Treaty of Paris" had been signed on December 10th 1898 instating United States colonial power of the philippine nation. This began the American-Phillipine War.
  • Assasination of the Archduke of Austria-Hungary

    Assasination of the Archduke of Austria-Hungary
    America in the First World War
    The assasination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria was the beginning of the Greatest War in history. A war began involving the majority of countires in Europe because he was assasinated by a Serbian. This was such a predicament because of the specific alliances associated with Serbia and Austria-Hungary.
  • The Harlem Renaissance

    The Harlem Renaissance
    The Harlem Renaissance
    The Harlem Renaissance came about by African American's coming together from the south and north, taking their problems and past to create a new culture and life for themselves. This is where famous performers, such as Billie Holiday and Louis Armstrong, careers began. This was also the time where jazz influenced the American culture, causing the American culture to change.
  • America joins the war

    America joins the war
    Over There Farewell to Isolation
    America had no interest in joining the war and due to George Washington's influence. America knew the day they would have to join the war because their economic involvement with the war was becoming risky. America formed an alliance with the Bristish side because of the German submarine attack towards U.S ships. America's late involvement helped end the war.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The Market CrashesThe Great Depression
    On the 28th of October 1929, the New York Stock Exchange had "stock prices soared to record levels." The next day the stock market had its worse crash in history. After ten weeks the stock market value had decreased by half and the Great Depression began. The election of Frank Roosevelt was the turning point, because his risk taking ended the depression.
  • Isolationism

    Isolationism 1930's Isolationism 'A national policy of abstaining from political or economic relations with other countries.' Isolationism happened in the 1930's for America with World War II. This was because their stock market had just collapsed. Also with the war in Europe in 1917, it had given America 'unpaid debt throughout the 1920's.'
  • Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor
    Pearl Harbor. Early this Sunday morning, 3500 Americans were killed after Japanese aircraft bombed Pearl Harbor. In addition to the tragic loss of life, severe damages were sustained to 18 ships (of which 8 were battleship) and 350 aircrafts. This event marked the beginning of America's direct involvement in World War II.
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    America's Involvement in World War II

    Timeline of America's Involvement. America's involvement in World War II began after the attack on Pearl Harbor. It continued to the end of the War which was instigated by Japanese surrender following the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
  • Bombing of Hiroshima

    Bombing of Hiroshima
    Hiroshima and Nagasak On this fateful day, a plane by the name of Enola Gay flew over Hirsoshima and dropped an atomic bomb by the name of 'Little Boy'. This bomb caused the instantaneouse death of approximately 70,000 indiviudals and proceded to cause devastating effects for years to come through the release of toxic radiation.
  • Bombing of Nagasaki

    Bombing of Nagasaki
    Bombing of Nagasaki. This was the second atomic bomb to be released on Japan. Known as 'Fat Boy', it caused the deaths of 80,000 people in the Nagasaki region. This event was pivitol to the surrender of Japanese forces in the Second World War.
  • United Nations Establishment

    United Nations Establishment
    United Nations is Established. The first United Nations charter is approved. Consisting of five permanent members, these include Russia, China, United States, Britain and France these are known as the Security Council. The general assembly included 45 other nations.
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    Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift After access to Western Berlin was blocked by the Soviet Union, the US and alliances began airlifting supplies on the 24th June 1948. The Soviet Union ceased blockades on May 12th 1949. US and alliances continued to airlift supplies up until 30th Septemeber 1949.
  • Rosa Parks Bus incident

    Rosa Parks Bus incident
    Rosa Parks. On the evening of December 1st 1955, while travelling home from work, Rosa Parks refused to forfeit her seat to a white American. Unbeknown to her this act would change segregation of white and black people in America.
  • Martin Luther King gives his 'I have a dream' speech

    Martin Luther King gives his 'I have a dream' speech
    "I have a dream" speech. In Washington DC, Martin Luther King addressed a crowd of over 250 000 supporters giving his views on racial injustice to the African Americans. This inspiring speech is known today as the "I have a dream" speech.
  • Assassination of President Kennedy

    Assassination of President Kennedy
    Assassination of President Kennedy. While attending a preocession at Dealey Plaza in Dallas, President Kennedy was shot dead by Lee Harvey Oswald. This assassination was cloaked in conspiracy theories.
  • Reagan becomes President

    Reagan becomes President
    "Morning in America"
    Reagan became president by winning 489 votes to Carter's 49 votes. This was a massive win for Reagan. Soon after he was elected, there was an assasination attempt. He survived and this allowed his president approval rating to increase. Also after he was elected the American hostages in Iran were released making his popularity rise.
  • Globalization

    Living in the Information Age Globalization 'The process of increasing the connectivity and interdependence of the world's markets and businesses.' Globalization began when the American Government allowed the internet to be available to everyone and not just the military. In the 1990's the World Wide Web was developed, this allowed everyone in the world internet access.
  • Americanization

    The End of the American Century Living in the Information Age 'Americanization is the influence of the U.S. on the popular culture, technology, business practices, political techniques or language, of other countries.' Americanization began in 1990s with the creation of the World Wide Web. Before, the internet was used by the American military only, until 1984 when the internet became public
  • The release of the Internet

    The release of the Internet
    Living in the Information Age
    The internet was created 'by the Department of Defense in the 1970's. The internet was used to foresee any attacks coming towards America. In 1984 the government released the internet to the public. By the 1990's the World Wide Web was developed.
  • Exxon Valdez oil spill

    Exxon Valdez oil spill
    The End of the American Century
    During the Exxon Valdex oil spill environmentalists monitored 'the ominous dwindling of rainforessts and global warming trends.' This disaster was an embarrassment to America's independence 'on fossil fuels and the ecological and economic havoc that resulted.'
  • The End of the Cold War

    The End of the Cold War
    The End of the Cold War
    The end of the Cold War was "the fall of the Berlin Wall. The Shredding of the Iron Curtain." Americans believed with the combination of Reagan's presidency and Bush's presidency, the Soviet's economy crashed, therefore ending the Cold War.