Christopher columbus 631


  • Jan 1, 1492

    Columbus discovers America

    Columbus discovers America
    CHristopher Columbus Christopher Columbus discovers America (by mistake) on behalf of Spain.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1492 to

    US HISTORY: 1492-1877

  • The Founding of Jamestown

    The Founding of Jamestown
    Jamestown Settlement
    1st British Settelement, named after King James Ist (King of Britain)
  • SLavery Becomes Legal

    SLavery Becomes Legal
    Beginning of Slavery in US Virginia becomes the first British colony to legally establish slavery.
  • The Great Awakening Begins (Idea)

    The Great Awakening Begins (Idea)
    The Great Awakening A new, evangelical approach to religion making the common person more involved and cloaer to God . THis common interest pulled people togehter and made them a community
  • The Stamp Act & Crisis Begins

    The Stamp Act & Crisis Begins
    Stamp Act Taxation imposed on all official documents, i.e. licences, contracts angers the colonists and resistance begins
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    Boston Massacre Uprising of colonists against British rule, in particular high taxation
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    Tea Party In rebellion against the Tea Act, colonists threw chests of tea off British ships into the harbour
  • The American Revolution Begins

    The American Revolution Begins
    American Revolution
    Colonists fighting together against the British (Battles of Lexington & Concord)
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    [Declaration of Independence]( The first document which declares the freed and independent states from the British
  • Shays' Rebellion

    Shays' Rebellion
    Shays Rebellion Uprising of farmers in New England (led by Daniel Shays-) against the non payment of the men's services during the revolution.
  • Federalism (idea)

    Federalism (idea) Federalism is a common system (ideas, policies, laws) agreed to by a number of states but enforced at local level.
  • Ratification of the Constitution

    Ratification of the Constitution
    Ratification of the Constitution Official Act recognising the unification of the states that become the United States and determing how they would be run
  • First Presidential Administration- George Washington

    First Presidential Administration- George Washington
    Even if there was a Constitution which set out the guidelines for federal government, implemetation was difficult for George Washington’s first term as president
  • Jefferson (Idea)

    Jefferson (Idea)
    Jeffersonian Ideology took over: minimal central government control and more power to the individual
  • The Rise of the American Industry (Idea)

    The Rise of the American Industry (Idea) Factories were built and manufacture changed from manual labour to use of machines. Infrastructure such as canals, rail and canals were instituted improving transportation and commercial links
  • Manifest Destiny (Idea)

    Manifest Destiny (Idea) A phrase that was invented by John O’Sullivan, and was used as propaganda to make the Americans believe that they had a moral and religious obligation to expand towards the West.
  • The Trail of Tears

    The Trail of Tears Jackson banishes the Indians "for their own good"westward beyond the Mississipi.
  • Southern States Secede

    Southern States Secede Within 3 months of Lincoln's election, 7 states leave the Union, which marks the events leading to the Civil War.
  • American Civil War

    American Civil War
  • Reconstruction Era 1865-1877

    Reconstruction Era 1865-1877 The Reconstruction Era has two main elements between 1865 and 1877, bringing the South back into the Union and rebuilding a national identity and the reconstruction of the South. Key figures included Presidents Lincoln, Johnson and Grant. Important facts, slavery abolished, civil rights for all and the right to vote regardless of race or colour.
  • President Lincoln Assasinated

    President Lincoln Assasinated Abraham Lincoln was shot and killed by the Confederate sympathizer John Wilkes Booth, five days after the Southern States surrendered, ending the Civil war