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U.S History: VHS Summer: Sara D’Agostino

By Saradga
  • Period: 1492 to


    This timeline is a visual representation of the growth of early America. This timeline will represent from when Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492 up until 1877 the year the 19th president was elected.
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Columbus sails

    Columbus sails
    Columbus sails out of Palos, Spain with three small ships the Santa Maria, the Pinta, and the Nina. They thought that they had reached Easter Asia during this time when they really discovered the Bahamas, Cuba and Hispaniola.
  • Jamestown settlement

    Jamestown settlement
    In 1607 the settlement of Jamestown was established the settlement of Jamestown is the first permanent settlement of the New World. The settlers landed in Jamestown on May 16th, 1607.
  • The great awakening

    The great awakening
    The great awakening is a religious awakening. It is when preachers came out and forgave sins and boosted the Christian faith. The great awakening is a rise in belief and support in the Christian faith.
  • Declaration of Independence Signed

    Declaration of Independence Signed
    The Declaration of Independence was signed on August 8th, 1776. The Declaration of Independence is the document that declared that America is going to leave British rule, this was pretty much the declared begining of the war.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    On September 3rd, 1783 the treaty of Paris is signed and America is officially free from British rule. The treaty of Paris was the deal the U.S and Britain made post war to declare and keep peace.
  • US Constitution Ratified

    US Constitution Ratified
    On June 21st, 1788 the U.S constitution became ratified and began govenering before that it was only the articles of confederation. The Constitution is the U.S’s governing document and is forever evolving to fit the U.S’s needs. The U.S Constitution is the oldest governing document in the world.
  • Republican motherhood

    Republican motherhood
    The republican motherhood was an idea brought by Abigail Adams to remember the ladies. It evolved into the idea of thee educated mother.
  • The Industrial Revolution

    The Industrial Revolution
    The official mark of the start of he U.S’s Industrial Revolution was when Samuel Slater opened a textile mill in Pawtucket, RI. The Industrial Revolution opened up doors to new jobs, higher wages, technology advances, labor laws and so much more.
  • George Washington’s Farewell

    George Washington’s Farewell
    In September 1796 Washington speaks his Farewell Address. Washington was the first president the man who led us to freedom. His farewell address stated his political philosophy and the core beliefs he hoped would guide the nation. It also stated a commitment to neutrality in an anti french position. But it his address will be forever remembered.
  • The war of 1812

    The war of 1812
    The war of 1812 didn’t have a desicive outcome but it did mark a turning point for America. The war marked the second war the U.S was a part of growing their global force. The war also knocked out the remaining federalists.
  • Jackson takes office

    Jackson takes office
    President Jackson took office for his first term as president on March 4th, 1829 this day marked the start of a new era. It is a start of New Democratic reforms, expanding sufferage, and reorganizing federal institutions. It also added a political impulse to slavery, white supremacy, and walking all over Native Americans.
  • The Underground Railroad

    The Underground Railroad
    The Underground Railroad was like an escape for slaves. It was one of the biggest acts to rebel against slavery. People would help slaves escape to the north for freedom. People would open up there homes usually basements for them to hide during the day because they traveled at night.
  • Wilmot's Proviso

    Wilmot's Proviso
    Wilmot's Proviso is a proposition to congress that says "neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall ever exist". This statement split the house leading to arguments protests and disputes for years. Wilmot's Proviso ended up passing the house but never becoming law. But this statement was monumental in abolishing slavery.
  • Migration

    in January 1848, a man named James Marshall found gold near sutter’s mill in California. This discovery lead thousands of American families to CA to try to strike gold and get rich. This was increasing migration and expanding the population across the US.
  • Compromise of 1850 passed

    Compromise of 1850 passed
    The compromise of 1850 was the compromise to keep the peace. The compromise of 1850 made California a free state, created territories of New Mexico and Utah that decided slavery based on popular sovereignty, ending slavery in D.C, ending the Texas New Mexico boundary dispute, and made it easier for southerners to recover fugitive slaves. The compromise prevented a lot of war with even more give and take.
  • Separation

    During the civil war our country was anything but united. On the battle of Antietam 22,719 solders died in battle by fellow Americans. America was fighting against each other about whether or not fellow American should be slaves. All the same people trying to kill each other.
  • End of the Civil War

    End of the Civil War
    The civil war was the north vs the south on slavery. The north wanted to end slavery the south did not. In April, 1865 the north was victorious resulting in the end of slavery.
  • Lincoln assassinated

    Lincoln assassinated
    Abraham Lincoln the voice and face behind freeing the slaves shot dead. This was a shock to the nation, just a short time after the celebrations of the end of the civil war. Americans lined the railroad to mourn the loss of Lincoln.
  • Impeachment

    Andrew Johnson became the first president to be impeached. jackson had 11 counts against him for high crimes. Johnson was not easy to work with either. An act was passed to show the violations occurred.
  • Re building

    Re building
    After the civil war ended the south was riddled with poverty. There were organizations to create schools and help out the community. The south was also growing internally blacks and whites began to share like buses or meals.