American flag wallpaper (1)

Timeline of U.S.History

  • French and Indian War.

    French and Indian War.
    The French and indian war's name was the name that was given by America. Also known as the colonial war. It was the beginning of open hostilities between colonies and Great Britain. Which is the name given to the American theater of a massive conflict involving Austria, England, France, Great Britain, Prussia, and Sweden called the Seven Years War. The conflict was played out in Europe, India, and North America. In Europe, Sweden.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    Resource;' Started in the end of the french and Indian war. It was also when the British government faced a lot of problems. One was how to keep the colonists and indians to not kill each other. So they made a rule that the indians stayed west of the Appalachian Mountains and the colonists stay east.The colonists hated the idea of Great Britain so they got furious.
  • Stamp Act of 1765

    Stamp Act of 1765 The Stamp Act, when a new tax was imposed to all American colonist. They all had to pay a tax on every piece of paper they used. Great Britain taxed them because of the huge debt they had to pay off because of the French and Indian War. The colonists were still the lightly taxed people in the British Empire since they paid from windows to salt as a tax they decided them next
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre The Boston Massacre was a street fight that occured on the 5th of March. Then British troops came and was increasingly unwelcome. They shot 3 people who died and had 8 other people wounded. Trouble had been brewing for months in Boston. To the British, the Boston Patriots were the worst troublemakers in the colonies. The British troops came to keep order in Boston.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party The Boston Tea Party, was when a group of PATRIOTS snuck into the boat with tons of tea being disguised as Native Americans then dumping 342 chests of tea. King George was angry and the Intolerable Acts would be passed as a rule.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts The Intolerable acts was a Patriot name for a series of punitive law passed down by Great Britain. It was also called the Coercive Acts for Great Britain. It was basically punishment for dumping all the tea into the water and making King George have a temper and thoughts of revenge.
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress On the day of September 5th some 50 leaders from 12 colonies met in Philadalphea.They brought together delegates from most of the British colonies on the North American countinent. For this reason it was called the First Continental Congress.
  • Second Continental Congress

    Second Continental Congress The Second Continental Congress was a convention of delegates from the 13 colonies. It was agreed that a continental army would be created. The congress commissioned George Washington of Virginia to be a supreme commander.
  • Revolutionary War

    Revolutionary War The Revolutionary War was the battle between the patriots and the british. The battle when the patriots had enough of the british rule and defended themselves and their rights in battle. In this time the LOYALISTS rejected everything the patriots had to say and believed in what the British thought was right.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    It was time for the Patriots to have an independent state. Most colonist still consisted themselves as loyal british subjects. Many Americans also hoped for peace with King George. In the month of July year of 1775 the congress sent a petition to King George III as a symbol of peace. Other colonist still looked with horror with independence. Early in 1776 a patriot named THOMAS PAINE published a pamphlet named COMMON SENSE. JOHN LOCKE wanted to list rights in the bill of rights.
  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    The article of confederation was an agreement with all the 13 colonies. the article provided domestic and international legitimacyn for the continental progress.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    Early in 1783 the representatives of the United States and Britain signed a peace treaty in Paris. The treaty of paris had 3 important parts. First of all, Great Britain began to realize that the United States is an independent nation. Second, Britain gave up its claims to all lands between the Atlantic Coast and the Mississippi river, from Canada south to Florida. Last of all, the United States agreed to return all rights and property taken from the loyalists.
  • Constitutional convention

    Constitutional convention
    The constitutional convention was taken place on May 25th through September 17th. Also known as the GREAT COMPPROMISE. It was actually intended to adjust the Articles of Confederation. But, chiefs like James Madison and Alexdander Hamilton said that we could just create a new government then adjust the rules. The result of their ideas was the United States Constitution.
  • Shay's Rebellion

    Shay's Rebellion
    The crisis of the 1780s was most intense in the rural and relatively newly settled areas of central and western Massachusetts. Many farmers in this area suffered from high debt as they tried to start new farms. Unlike many other state legislatures in the 1780s, the Massachusetts government didn't respond to the economic crisis by passing pro-debtor laws (like forgiving debt and printing more paper money). As a result local sheriffs seized many farms and some farmers who couldn't pay their debts.
  • Northwest Ordinance

    Northwest Ordinance
    The Northwest Ordinance (formally An Ordinance for the Government of the Territory of the United States, North-West of the River Ohio, and also known as the Freedom Ordinance or The Ordinance of 1787) was an act of the Congress of the Confederation of the United States, passed July 13, 1787. The primary effect of the ordinance was the creation of the Northwest Territory, the first organized territory of the United States, from lands south of the Great Lakes, north and west of the Ohio River, and
  • Constitution

    The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the United States of America. ALEXANDER HAMILTON and JAMES MADISON were important in the making. The first 3 Articles embody the doctrine of the separation of powers, when the federal government is divided into three branches: the legislature, consisting of the bicameral Congress; the executive, and the judiciary, consisting of the Supreme Court and other federal courts. FEDERALISTS and ANTI-FEDERALISTS PREAMBLE
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    During the debates on the adoption of the Constitution, its opponents repeatedly charged that the Constitution as drafted would open the way to tyranny by the central government. Fresh in their minds was the memory of the British violation of civil rights before and during the Revolution. They demanded a "bill of rights" that would spell out the immunities of individual citizens.