14205771 lithium atom model

The History of the Atom

By oconno
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    Kanada (BCE)

    Kanada the idea that matter was made of atoms that were invisible. He believed all atoms are different and none are the same. Atoms make up water, fire, earth and air.
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    Democritus (BC)

    Democritus (BC)
    Demorcritus invented the whole theory of the atom. He said that all matter is made up tiny particles called atoms. Till this day we still believe that atoms are real and most people learn about atoms.
  • Jan 1, 624

    Thales (BC)

    He researched and discovered more about the atomic model. He believed water was the basis of all material.
  • Isaac Newton

    Isaac Newton created the theory of gravity. He did a lot of tests and research and after spending a lot of time he created the theory of gravity. Till this day we believe in gravity and we believe gravity keeps us on the ground.
  • Antoine Lavoisier

    Antoine Lavoisier created the theory of water and hdyrogen and 33 other theories that we still use today. He created this theory of doing many expirements
  • John Dalton

    John Dalton made the Dalton's Atomic theory. In the theory he said that all matter is made from atoms, all atoms are invisible and indescribable because no one has ever seen them. All atoms of a given element are Identical in mass and properties. Compounds are formed by a combination of two or more different kinds of atoms. A chemical reaction is a rearrangement of atoms.
    We still use this theory today.
  • Robert Brown

    Robert Brown discovered the different parts of microscope particles and how they are suspended in a liquid or gas.
    He also discovered the tiny particles in water and other materials like carbon and metals.
  • Robert Bunson

    Robert Bunsen joined the University of Heidelberg.While he was there he heated chemicals to the point they glowed and made other colours.
  • Joseph John Thomson

    J.J. Thomson discovered the concept on the heavy, solid, invisible atom and replaced it with the concept that the atom was made out of smaller particles.
    This is still been studied till this day.
  • Ernest Rutherford

    Ernest Rutherfprd discovered the positively charged particle the proton but discovered that atoms have a nucleus.
    With this information he made a model of what he thought an atom would look like and it looked like a solar system.
  • Hans Geiger

    Hans Geiger worked on nuclear reactions, including the carbon-nitrogen reaction.
    He also invented a device that can detect alpha particles.
  • Niels Bohr

    Niels Bohr made an atom structure that stated the outer orbit of an atom could hold more electrons than the inner orbit.His research also showed there were positive and negative charges in the atoms.
  • Ernest Marsden

    Ernest Marsden made the theory of the artificial transmutation of the elements. He did this/ proved this by doing many different expirements.
  • Aristotle (BC)

    Aristotle theory was all matter was made up of fire, water, earth and air. He believed these elements had different qualities and they were dryness, hotness, coldness and moistness.
  • Empedocles (BC)

    Empedocles believed the theory of elements based on air, fire, earth and water.This theory grew later on.