The Cold War - 1947-1991

By E.L.A.J
  • Potsdam Conference

    It was the final war time meeting ooof the leaders of the allied "Big Three" nations. Delt with Japans Surrender and Germany paying cost of what damage they caused.
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    The Cold War

    The United states and the Soviet Union and the U.S. trying to stop the spread of communism.
  • The beginning of the Cold War

    Soviets spread communism, which increased tension between them and America because U..S. wanted to stop the spread of communism.
  • Berlin Blockade/Airlift

    Berlin Blockade/Airlift
    An airlift the U.S. put on Berlin after russia flew massive amounts oof food and suppllies as a peace offering.
  • The Berlin Wall

    To keep the idea that communism is great
  • The Cuban Missle Crisis

    The U.S. had a naval blockade to keep the Soviet Union from placing nuclear missle in Cuba
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    Vietnam War

    A war that caused massive disruption SouthEast asia After WW1. The vietnamese were back by the Soviet Union, causing greater tension.
  • Glanot/Perestroika

    The Soviet Union giveing more freedom too the press, resulting in bad comments from journalist.
  • The Fall of communism/Soviet Union

    Gorbachev wanted a Union of Sovereign Socialist Republic (USSR) but he resign because of the refusal of the communist party siding with russian republic. Hense the collapsed of the Soviet Union was complete.