Atom eye

The Atom: How It Came To Be

By Fontusf
  • 460

    The Idea

    The Idea
    the question " If you break a piece of matter in half, and then break it in half again, how many breaks will you have to make before you can break it no further?" was formed in the 460 B.C by greek philosopher Democritus. Then decided to name the smaller particles 'atoms" .Thats when it all began
  • Daltons simple sphere

    Daltons simple sphere
    Dalton in the 1800's introduced his theory of what the model looked like a simple solid sphere
  • The Plum Pudding model

    The Plum Pudding model
    J.J Thompson inroduced new evidence about the atom demonstrating that there was a positive and negative charge (protons and electrons).
  • Rutherford's Nuclear Model

    Rutherford's Nuclear Model
    Rutherford decided to be the one to investigate what's inside of the atom. Using radium,gold foil and a fluorescent screen; he shined a light on the atom molecule and found out the atom didn't have an inside. It was empty space. He concluded that the electrons orbited into the protons (nucleus)
  • The Nuclear Model

    The Nuclear Model
    Rutherford thought to see whats inside the atom . Using a flourscent screen, gold foil and radium he shined it on an atom particle only to discover that theres empty space. Concluding that the electrons must orbit around the nucles like planets do to earth.
  • Bohr's Planetary Model

    Bohr's Planetary Model
    Bohr had a theory contradicting rutherfors theory. He didn't believe that the electrons spirled into the nucleus. His model was explaing hor far the electrons can orbit from the nucleus and that the electrons will jump.
  • Quantum Mechanics Model

    Quantum Mechanics Model
    Erwin Schrödinger came up with a question about the atoms;"Why not go all the way with particle waves and try to form a model of the atom on that basis?"His models based on mathematics
  • Modern Day Atom Theory

    Modern Day Atom Theory
    Electrons areorbiting around the protons and the neutrons which are in the nuclers. They orbit in a circular .