Period: 4000 BCE to 3000 BCE
Early Beginnings
3900 BCE
Disease Caused By?
Evil Spirits -
3600 BCE
Treatments for Sick?
trephinig- removing cranium to exorcise demons
exorcise- tribal doctors performed exorcise to exorcise demons -
3100 BCE
Medicines Used Today
Digitalis- Used for heart condition, was chewed for treatment (origin-foxglove plant)
Quinine- controls fever, relieves muscle spasms, and prevents malaria (origin-cinchona tree bark)
Belladonna and Atropine- relieves muscle spasms (origin-poisonous nightshade plant)
Morphine- treats severe pain, and rarely used (origin- opium poppy) -
Period: 2999 BCE to 399
Ancient Times
2900 BCE
Ancient Egyptians
- Earliest kept accurate health records (superstitious)
- “Physicians” were priests, used medicine, learned splinting, and treated bloodletting with leeches
- healed Egyptians by draining blood around tissue
1900 BCE
Ancient Chinese
Used stone tools, eventually developing into being the first to do acupuncture therapy -
900 BCE
Ancient Greeks
- first to conclude diseases were caused by natural causes, not spiritual because of research
- due to religion they didn’t allow bodies to be dissected
- kept records, wrote the Oath of Hippocrates and set a precedent because he used his knowledge of anatomy to conclude diseases was caused by supernatural forces
Ancient Romans
- created sanitation systems including waterways, sewers, and filtered public baths
- first to organize medical care
- sent physicians to care for wounded soldiers, created the beginning of hospitals
Period: 400 to 800
Dark Age
Stopped the Study of Medicine, Why?
The study of medicine stopped because churches believed life and death was in gods hands and monks/priests had no interest in learning the body’s functions. -
How Do They Treat Disease?
- they used herbal mixes to treat disease
Period: 800 to 1400
Middle Age
- epidemics caused millions of deaths
- bubonic plague alone killed 60 million people
- diseases including smallpox, diphtheria, syphilis, and tuberculosis became epidemics because there were no vaccines for them
Period: 1350 to
- many developments during renaissance
- built medical schools and universities for research
- started accepting the dissection of the body for study
- development of printing press and book publishment
Period: 1501 to
16th and 17th Centuries
Leonardo da Vinci
- studied and recorded the anatomy of the body
Gabrielle Fallopius
- discovered the fallopian tubes of the female body
Bartolommeo Eustachio
- discovered the tube leading from the ear to the throat (eustachian tube)
William Harvey
- understood psychology and the circulation of blood/the pumping of the heart
Antonio von Leeuwenhoek
Invented the microscope and with that also found bacteria that led to tooth decay and bacteria that the regular human eye could not see. -
- early pharmacy's that carried drugs and spices from the east
Period: to
18th Century
Benjamin Franklin
- discovered bifocals, and found that colds can be contagious
Medical Students Learning
- students started learning by observing real real patients
- when patients died student could observe cause of death
- students started learning by observing real real patients
Joseph Priestley
- discovered the element oxygen, also discovered respiration of plants
Edward Jenner
- Discovered a vaccination method for smallpox, saved many lives
- Discovery led to immunization and preventative medicine
Rene Laennec
- invented the first wood stethoscope, which enhanced the ability to hear the heart/lungs to determine if there is a disease
Period: to
19th and 20th Centuries
Ignaz Semmelweis
- identified the cause of of childbed fever, physicians did not wash their hands after dissecting dead bodies so they infected the women
Florence Nightingale
She made advancements in sanitation and management in hospitals, she also focused on educating people on nursing so that it can become a serious profession. -
Louis Pasteur
- known as the “Father of Microbiology”
- discovered that microorganisms were everywhere, also proved they cause disease
- discovered heating milk prevents bacteria growth
Dmiri Ivanovski
- discovered some disease was caused by microorganisms unseeable even with microscope (viruses)
- viruses included rabies, poliomyelitis, chicken pox, measles, influenza, and much more
Joseph Lister
- learned about the discovery that microorganisms cause infection
- used carbolic acid on wounds to kill germs that could be infected and became the first doctor to use an antiseptic during surgery
Ernst von Bergmann
- developed a method to keep area germ-free before/during surgery
- developed asepsis (substance that slows/stops growth of microorganisms)
Robert Koch
- discovered some disease-causing organisms
- developed culture plate method which identified pathogens and isolated bacterium that causes tuberculosis
- helped emphasize cleanliness
Paul Ehrlich
- discovered effect of medicine on microorganisms that causes disease, didn’t help kill bacteria
- ran 606 experiments to try and treat syphilis with chemicals, succeeded
Wilhelmina Roentgen
- discovered x-rays which allows doctors to see inside a patient without surgery
- early physicians used herbs, hashish, and alcohol to help stop pain during surgery
- sometimes choked patients to cause uncontiousness (to stop pain), but many died due to pain
- then nitrous oxide, ether, and chloroform were discovered and they put patients to deep sleep to prevent pain
- this was the beginning of anesthesia
Sir Alexander Fleming
- found that penicillin killed life-threatening bacteria
- some bacteria used to kill people who had pneumonia, gonorrhea, and blood poisoning before they knew about penicillin
Sigmund Freud
- discovered the conscious and unconscious parts of the mind
- determined mind and body work together, this led to discovery of an illness that’s caused by emotion
- studied the beginning of psychology
Gerhard Domagk
- discovered sulfonamide compounds (first medications effective in killing bacteria)
- these medicines killed deadly diseases
Jonas Salk
- discovered that dead polio virus caused immunity to poliomyelitis (virus that caused paralysis)
- his newly discovered vaccine saved many people’s lives
Albert Sabin
- used a live polio virus vaccine to cure poliomyelitis unlike Jonas, this was more effective
- used today to immune babies
Francis Crick and James Watson
- discovered the structure of DNA because of the double helix
- showed how DNA replicates and how hereditary information is passed down
- won a Nobel Prize in Medicine
Christian Barnard
- performed the first successful heart transplant
Ben Carson
- separated Siamese twins and performed hemispherectomies (surgeries on the brain to stop seizures)
Period: to
21st Century
- the first genome editing tool that can help edit DNA and can possibly help disable genetic disease
Cancer Starvation
Joan Brugge discovered that cancer cells perish not only because of cell suicide, or apoptosis, but can also die of starvation by losing their ability to harvest energy, findings that point toward new tumor-killing strategies. -
Tumor Suppressor
- HMS Systems Biology researchers, led by Galit Lahav, used mathematical models and experiments to show gene
- found that tumor suppressor gene p53 uses pulsed signals to trigger DNA repair and cell recovery
- found that the rhythm of these pulses are also important
Cancer Cause
Researchers at Beth Israel Deaconess discovered that a pseudogene (RNA subclass that lost ability to produce proteins) has a role in causing cancer. -
- this prosthetic is made to let user walk with full control over it, does this by telling the nervous system that there is something in the space