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    Democritus BC

    Democritus  BC
    He discovered that the smallest bit of matter where to be called particles. He asked the question "If you break a peice of matter in half, and then break it in half again , how many breaks will you have to make before you can break it no further?" off oof his theories. He did not know what the structure of the atom looked like.
  • Dalton B.C

    Dalton B.C
    He discoverthat with vacious chemicals showed that mattecindeed ,seem to consist of elementacy lumpy particles. Also, discovered the atmoic theocy. He performed expeciments to make dicovey.He didnt know about the structuce ofnthe atom, but the knew that the evidence pointed to something fun damentell.
  • Thomson BC

    Thomson  BC
    He discover electrons and suggested that an atom is not indivible as it was smaller piece of proton and neutron and proposed modles for his structure of the atom.He made modles as his methods and experiment.He pudding modle of the atom was his name for his modle.
  • Rutherford BC

    Rutherford  BC
    He realizede that the atom most have almost all of it massconcentrated at the center, in a nucleus, vast majority of atom consistins chietry of empty space.The methods he used was,experiments,and observations. He also seen them as small particles.
  • Bohr A.D

    Bohr A.D
    proposing e electrons,he said that orbit it the nucleus without losing engrey.Could move only in fixed orbit of specific engery.Electrons with low enegry would orbit.closer to the nucleurs while electrons with high enegry orbit further from nucleurs. He used mathematical models and gathered evidence from expeciments.He thought they looked like The Bohe modle.
  • heisenberg and Schrodinger A.D.

    heisenberg and Schrodinger A.D.
    Schrodinger introduced the Scroedinger Equation a wave that describes the form of the probability waves that gave in the motion of small pacticles and now these waves altered by external influences. Heisenburg was the best know founder of quartum mecharic. Also he was the controversial roleas a leader of Germany's nuclear fission.He made his discovery through math ematical models and form scientist beform. Schodinger Model is what he thought the atom looked like.
  • Aristotle B.C.

    Aristotle B.C.
    He dicovered that the atomic idea had no merit. He thought the atomic idea was worthless from theroies and observations. since he did not believe in the atomic theory, He did not believe in the structure if the atom.