Science Atomic Models

  • John Dalton – Solid Sphere Model (The Beginning of Napoleonic Wars)

    In 1803, Dalton said that atoms are solid, indestructible spheres, like billiard balls.
    His experiment explained lots of chemical properties like how atoms combine to form molecules, and it explained chemical change better than the particle theory. He stated that there are three types of atoms; simple, compound and complex.
    His theory stated a couple of things. First, elements are made of the smallest particles called atoms. Second, all of the atoms in an element are identical and have the sa
  • PJohn Dalton – Solid Sphere Model Part 2

    atoms in an element are identical and have the same mass. Third, you can differentiate atoms from different elements by their atomic weight. Fourth, compounds are consisted of atoms from different elements combined. Lastly, atoms cannot be created, destroyed, or divided since they are the smallest particles of matter.
  • J.J Thomson - Raisin Bun/Plum Pudding Model (Volleyball was invented)

    In 1898, Thomson postulated (something assumed without proof as being self-evident or generally accepted) that the negatively charged electrons are scattered on a cloud of positively charge. The total electric charge was zero because the total charge of the electrons balanced the positive charge of the large mass. This is much like raisins on a raisin bun or plums on plum pudding. However, these models did not show why atoms are absorbed and emitted spectral lines and of course, the fact that
  • J.J Thomson - Raisin Bun/Plum Pudding Model Part 2

    it didn’t show that the atoms had nuclei.
  • Max Planck – Quantum Theory (First Genocide in 20th century)_

    In 1900, he found out that if you heated and object up enough, you could measure the energy level of the electrons only in discrete units. He called these, quanta.
  • Albert Einstein –Theory of Relativity (Las Vegas was founded)

    In 1905, Albert Einstein stated that light was made of different particles that demonstrate certain properties unique to particles. He was the one who came up with the equation E=mc² (energy equals mass times the velocity of light squared)
  • Ernst Rutherford – Scattering Experiments (First time a person reached South Pole)

    In 1909, Rutherford did experiments with his students. They scattered helium nuclei, off the atoms in a sheet of gold foil. These experiments showed that atoms consisted of a positively charged nucleus surrounded by negatively charged electrons. He then pictured the electrons orbiting around the nucleus, kind of like the planets, orbiting around the sun. It was a very good idea, but it’s not perfect. His experiment did not state that the electrons emitted electromagnetic waves and was not able
  • Ernst Rutherford – Scattering Experiments Part 2

    to explain atomic emission and absorption line spectra.
  • Neils Bohr – Bohr Atomic Model (World War 1 Started)

    In 1913, He proved that the electrons that orbit around the nucleus are placed in orbit using atomic spectra. His model showed that electrons can jump from one orbit to the other when it absorbs or emits radiation. He stated that the energy of an electron depends on the size of the orbit. The smaller the orbit, the less the energy.
  • Erwin Schrodinger – Schrodinger Model (Walt Disney is Founded)

    In 1926, he said that electrons behave in a wave-like manner and that there is no way of calculating exactly where it is located on the orbit. He also stated that electrons don’t move. They don’t stay in one spot, but they don’t go around the orbit in circles. It’s not in any particular place.
  • Werner Heisenberg – Uncertainty Principle (World Population Reaches 2 billion)

    In 1927, he stated that no experiment can figure out the exact location of a particle. As one tries to measure the certain location of a particle, the uncertainty only gets bigger.