Road to Revolution - Leah Morin & Allie Hansen

  • Period: to

    Causes of the American Revolution

  • End of French and Indian War

    End of French and Indian War
    Timeline on the French and Indian War
    F-rench and Indian War
    R-oad to Revolution
    N-orth America
    H-istorical I-ndians (Native Americans)
    N-orth America
    A-t War With Britian and France
    N-one of the 13 Colonies wanted to give up power to a central government. W-ent into war with Britain and France
    A-lbany Plan Of Union would unite the 13 colonies under one government.
    R-iver Valley
  • The Proclamation of 1763

    The Proclamation of 1763
    O-ut raged
    L-and crowded
    A-ppalachian Mountain
    I-ndian attacks
    O-n their way to protest against King George
    N-o movement to the west of the Appalachian Mnts. O-ver power
    F-orced to stay 1763
  • The Sugar Act

    The Sugar Act
    The Sugar Act S-ituations Starting
    U-nder the Molasses Act colonial merchants were required to pay a tax of six pence per gallon on the importation of molasses
    G-ood were taxed includeing sugar.
    R-educed the rate of tax on molasses. A-merican Revenue Act of 1764
    C-olonies were producing in quantity with the cheaper French molasses.
    T-his hurt the British West Indies on molasses and sugar
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act S-even Years War
    T-hreat of revolt
    A- motion was offered to first read petitions
    M-arch 22, 1765
    P-arliament A-pplying certain stamps
    C-olonial people of America were mad
    T-he bill was passed on February 17
  • The Quartering Act

    The Quartering Act
    The Quartering Act
    Q-uartering Act of 1765
    U-n exceptable for the colonists.
    A-rmy is housed by colonists
    R-ender money for better payment of the army and their quarters.
    T-he rights of the colonists were violated
    E-nforcement of the government
    R-ag and violence towards the soldiers
    I-nflicting penalties on offenders against the same act
    N-ow parliment was trying to save money
    G-overnment of the Army A-ct passed by the parliament
    C-olonist protested
    T-roops were provided with food and other supplies
  • The Townshend Act

    The Townshend Act
    The Towshend Acts
    T-axes on glass, paint, oil, paper, & tea
    O-nly taxed products were imported
    W-rit of Assistance
    N-o tax on products inside the colonies
    S-earched colonial ships without reason
    H-elp officers find illegal goods
    E-stablished non-importation agreements
    N-on-importation Agreements
    D-ocuments allowing British Officers to search ships A-ll money was for the 7 year war
    C-olonist boycotted goods
    T-axation not allowed without representation
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre
    B-ritish soldiers
    O-pen fire
    S-nowballs, stones, and sticks were thrown
    T-own meetings wer removed
    O-ne soldier shouted fire
    N-o reason to kill M-ob of people
    A- massacre
    S-everal were taunting the soldiers
    C-aptain Preston
    R-emovel of the British
    E-vent leading to the Revolutionary War
  • The Intolerable Acts

    The Intolerable Acts
    The Intolerable Acts
    I-mmense punishment
    N-o more town meetings
    T-hey held the First Continental Congress
    O-n to destroy taxed tea
    L-aws were harsh
    E-ven all the colonies helped Massachusetts
    A-bolished the upper house of legislature
    L-aws were passed
    E-ventually leads to the Revolutionary War A- new Quartering Act
    C-losed the harbor of boston
    T-ea was paid for
    S-upplies throw
  • The Tea Act

    The Tea Act
    The Tea Act
    T-he direct sale of tea
    E-ast India Company
    A-llowed colonists to import directly from India A-cepted being taxed without representation
    C-olonies imposed no new taxes
    T-urned the tea ships back to Britten
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party
    T-ea Imports from Britain
    E-ast Indian Company
    A-llowed colonists to imposrt British tea directly from India P-assed Intolerable Acts as a punishment to the colonists.
    A-ttacked Ship
    R-oad To Revolutionary War
    T-ea was thrown over board.
    Y-ear and a half later the American Revolution starts.
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    First Contenintal Congress
    F-irst Continental Congress
    I-ntolerable Acts
    R-espective colonies
    S-how combined authority
    T-welve colonies sent representatives C-arpenter's Hall
    O-ver come distrust
    T-he Association October 20, 1774
    I-nstructions seek resolution with England
    N-ot uniformed
    E-except Georgia
    N-atlaniel Fulson, NH
    T-he most eminent men
    A- plan of Union
    L- Legislature C-olo George Washington
    N-Y, NJ
    G-rand council
    E-nglish parliment
    S-ept 5th-26th
  • Paul Revere's Ride

    Paul Revere's Ride
    Paul Rever's Ride
    P-aul Revere
    A- battle in Lexington
    U-nder pressure
    L-anterns R-iding horses
    E-veryone heard that the British were coming
    V-ery alerte
    E-vening of 1775
    R-ejoing of the people
    'S-ignals arranged R-iders on horses
    I-n position to fight
    D-elivering a message
    E-vent that starts the Revolutionary War
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    Lexington and Concord
    X-X miles from boston, guns were stored in Concord
    I-n war
    N-ot friendly
    G-un fire
    T-wo lanterns
    O-n with determination
    N-o one knows who firered firsts & C-oncord
    N-o one stopped
    C-olonists (minutemen)
    O-ne by land two by sea
    R-ever rides