
  • Drug Importation Act

    passed by Congress requires U.S. Customs Service inspection to stop entry of adulterated drugs from overseas
  • Government Regulation of Workers' Safety and Health

    During the era of industrialization in America, between the Civil War and World War I, dangerous and unhealthy working conditions and frequent serious accidents with resulting economic and social losses prompted calls for government to take action.
  • national air pollution control act

    was the first United States Clean Air Act enacted by Congress to address the national environmental problem of air pollution
  • Fair Credit Reporting

    Proposed rules to implement the notice and opt-out provisions of the Fair Credit Reporting Act applicable to financial institutions that give their affiliates certain information about consumers
  • Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act

    referred to as the Ocean Dumping Act, generally prohibits (1) transportation of material from the United States for the purpose of ocean dumping; (2) transportation of material from anywhere for the purpose of ocean dumping by U.S. agencies or U.S.-flagged vessels; (3) dumping of material transported from outside the United States into the U.S. territorial sea. A permit is required to deviate from these prohibitions.
  • Endangered Species Act

    protect endangered species
  • Safe Drinking Water act

    main federal law that ensures the quality of Americans' drinking water
  • Hazardous Materials Transportation Act

    Its primary objective is to provide adequate protection against the risks to life and property inherent in the transportation of hazardous material in commerce by improving the regulatory and enforcement authority of the Secretary of Transportation.
  • Consumer Leasing

    Implements the consumer leasing provisions of the Truth in Lending Act by requiring meaningful disclosure of leasing terms
  • Borrowers of Securities Credit

    Applies the provisions of Regulations T and U to borrowers who are subject to U.S. laws and who obtain credit within or outside the United States for the purpose of purchasing securities
  • Oil pollution Act

    OPA improved the nation's ability to prevent and respond to oil spills by establishing provisions that expand the federal government's ability, and provide the money and resources necessary, to respond to oil spills.
  • International Banking Operations

    Governs the international banking operations of U.S. banking organizations and the operations of foreign banks in the United States
  • Limitations on Interbank Liabilities

    Prescribes standards to limit the risks that the failure of a depository institution would pose to an insured depository institution
  • Safe Drinking Water Act

    The passage of these amendments are bringing substantial changes to the national drinking water program for water utilities, states, EPA, as well as greater protection and information to those served by public water systems.
  • Energy Policy Act

    The act, described by proponents as an attempt to combat growing energy problems, changed US energy policy by providing tax incentives and loan guarantees for energy production of various types.
  • Electronic Fund Transfers

    Establishes the rights, liabilities, and responsibilities of parties in electronic funds transfers and protects consumers when they use such systems