
Reconstruction Era

  • Lincoln/Freedman

    The 16th president of the United States was assasinated by John Wilkes Booth at a played Lincoln was attending. He initiated the Freedman Bureau and after he died Andrew Johnson became president, and vetoed the bill. The Freedman Bureau would no longer be able to aid slaves. Lee surrenders to Grant.
  • Plans for Reconstruction

    Plans for Reconstruction
    President Johnson had plans to reconstruct. Southern states held conventions that voided and repealed their ordinances of sucession, abolished slavery, and repudiated Confederate debts. Black codes were created, which restricted the ability for blacks to own land and to work as free laborers and denied most of the civil and political rights enjoyed by whites.
  • Ku Klux Klan in Tenessee

    Ku Klux Klan in Tenessee
    The first Ku Klux Klan was created in Pulaski, Tenessee in May of 1866. The leaders were former members of the Confederate Army and the first Grand Wizard was Nathan Forrest,a general during the American Civil War. The Klansmen wore masks, white cardboard hats, white sheets, and tortured and killed black men and sympathetic whites. At first the organization was supposed to be the White Brotherhood to stop blacks from voting, then it turned into to something different.
  • Fourteenth Amendment approved

    Fourteenth Amendment approved
  • New Orleans Race Riot

    New Orleans Race Riot
    The Race Riot was a violent conflict outside of Mechanic Institute during the reconvened Louisiana Constitutional Convention. The Radical Republicans were angered by the enactment of the black codes in Louisiana and by the legislature's refusal to give black men the right to vote.
  • Francis L. Cardozo

    Francis L. Cardozo
    Cardozo was elected seceratary of state and the first African American to hold a statewide office in the United States. He reformed the South Carolina Land Commision, which distributed land to former slaves. He made a school a leading one for African Americans.
  • John W. Mernard

    John W. Mernard
    Menard was a very successful African American who was elected to the United States Congress. Menard was barred from his seat by white members of Congress. When Menard pleaded his case to be seated, he became the first black represenitive to speak on the floor of the House.
  • Ulysses S. Grant elected as president.

    Ulysses S. Grant elected as president.
    Under Grant, the Union Army defeated the Confederate military and effectively ended the war with Robert E. Lee surrending. He also destroyed the Klu Klux Klan in 1871. He overall enforced African Americans being free.
  • Fifteenth Amendment ratified

    Fifteenth Amendment ratified
    This Amendment prohibits each government in the United Sates from denying a citizen the right to vote based on that citizen's race or color.
  • Freedman Bureau abolished

    Freedman Bureau abolished
    The Freedman Bureau would no longer aid former slaves through legal food and housing, overaight, education, healthcare, and employment contracts with private landowners.
  • P.B.S Pinchback

    P.B.S Pinchback
    Pinchback, a black politician, was the first state governor. He participted in Reconstruction conventions and he organized the Fourth Ward Republican Club. After being a luetinent governor and stayed active in politics and public service. Due to white resistence his tenure was short.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    This act was a federal law propsed by Benjamin Butler in 1870 and signed by President Grant 1875. This law guaranteed that everyone, regardless of race, color, or previous condition of servitude was entitled to the same treatment in public accomodations.
  • Wade Hampton

    Wade Hampton
    He was a Confederate cavalry leader during the American Civil War and afterward a politician, serving as a 77th governor in South Carolina. He financed weapons with an orginization called "Hampton's Legion". He was also know as the "Savior of New York"