Periodic table history

  • Begining

    In 1669 a German merchant and amateur alchemist Hennig Brand was trying to make some money by trying to make a Philosopher’s Stone whcih could turn everything it touches into gold. so by accident as he was boiling some urine to make this stone some spilt and set on fire, this was the first dicovery of phosphorus.
  • Making it public

    In 1680 Robert Boyle also discovered phosphorus, and it became public.
  • Discovery

    During 1809 47 elements were discovered by scientist and they soon noticed a pattern between the looks and effects.
  • Periodic

    In 1868 Russian chemist Dimitri Mendeleev started to work on a table to hold these elements whcih was called the Periodic table, he started to plcae them based off there atomic mass and he also left room for other elements if so.
  • Radioactive

    In 1886 Antoine Bequere first discovered radioactivity he named it Alpha, beta and gamma rays. During this year two people Marie and Pierre Curie, were trying to find the radioactivity of some elements. They discovered that some were negitive charged
  • Gases

    In 1894 Sir William Ramsay and Lord Rayleigh discovered the noble gases, which were added to the periodic table as group 0.
  • Elrctrons

    In 1897 English physicist J. J. Thomson first discovered electrons whcih are the small things that circle the nuetron and protons. J. J. Thomson discovered what charge it was and the mass
  • Breaking down

    In 1903 Rutherford announced that radioactivity is caused by the breakdown of atoms.
  • Shells

    In 1911 Ruthford discovered that the electrons shell circle the nucleuse of the atom
  • Orbital

    In 1913 bohr discovered that the electrons circle like orbitals. Wjile the electrons are moving they create radiation.
  • Protons

    In 1914 Rutherford first identified protons whcih are located in the nucleaus of the atom. He first tried this by turning a nitrogen into a oxygen atom. He then edit the table to make it based on the electrons not the mass.
  • Nuetrons

  • Bottom stuff

    In 1945 Glenn Seaborg identified lanthanides and actinides (atomic number >92), which are usually placed below the periodic table.