Labor and Industrialization Timeline

  • Morrill Act

    Morrill Act
    The Morrill Act provided grants of land to states to finance establishing colleges. these college were to specialize in agriculture and mechanic arts. It granted each state 30,000 acres.
  • National Labor Union

    National Labor Union
    The National Labor Union was the first labor federation in the United States. This Union disbanded in 1873
  • Knights of Labor

    Knights of Labor
    This was the largest and most important labor union of the 1880s. they demanded things such as the 8 hour day and wanted to socially uplift workers.
  • William "Boss' Tweed Indicted

    William "Boss' Tweed Indicted
    William Tweed was the boss of the democratic political machine that was a major player in the politics of NYC. He was later sentenced to jail in 1873.
  • Greenback Labor Party Supports First Candidate

    Greenback Labor Party Supports First Candidate
    This was the first major political party with an anti-monopoly ideology. the party lasted for three presidential elections and it nominated peter cooper as its first candidate in 1876
  • The Great Railroad Strike

    The Great Railroad Strike
    This strike lasted for 45 days in Martinsburg West Virginia. Its goal was to increase the wages of the workers and it was one where labor unions were not involved.
  • American Federation of Labor founded

    American Federation of Labor founded
    The AFL was one of the largest labor unions in the united states and lasted until 1955. It disbanded by merging with its rivsl the Congress of Industrial organizations.
  • Election of Grover Cleveland

    Election of Grover Cleveland
    in the election of 1884 grover cleveland beat out his republican opponent james blaine marking the first election of a democrat since 1856.
  • Jacob Riis Publishes "How The Other Half Lives"

    Jacob Riis Publishes  "How The Other Half Lives"
    this book was a photo journal that showed the terrible conditions of the slums in new york city. this book shed light on those conditions to the upper and middle class.
  • McKinley Tariff Act Passed

    McKinley Tariff Act Passed
    this tariff raised the tax on imports by 50%. it was designed to help domestic businesses compete with foreign goods
  • Russell Conwell publishes "Acres of Diamonds

    Russell Conwell publishes "Acres of Diamonds
    This essay reflects on the American dream in a way. the main idea is that you do not need to adventure out to seek fortune because you can find it right their in your own community.
  • The Sherman Anti Trust Act

    The Sherman Anti Trust Act
    The sherman antitrust act bans business activities that the federal government thiks to be anti-competitive such as monopolies.
  • Sherman Silver Purchase act

    Sherman Silver Purchase act
    This act increased the amount of monlthy silver the US government could buy by 4.5 million ounces. This act caused a major drop in the price of silver abd lead to the panic of 1893.
  • New Sherman Silver Purchase Act

    New Sherman Silver Purchase Act
    This act increased the amount of monlthy silver the US government could buy by 4.5 million ounces. This act caused a major drop in the price of silver abd lead to the panic of 1893
  • Pullman Strike

    Pullman Strike
    this strike was a railroad strike that took place in chicago and other areas of the US. the result of the strike caused by the American Railway Union was unsuccessful.
  • United States VS. EC Knight Co.

    United States VS. EC Knight Co.
    Thus supreme court case limited the governments power to control certain monopilies.
  • Election of Teddy Roosevelt

    Election of Teddy Roosevelt
    the republican candidate Theodore Roosevelt won the election of 1904 aginst Alton Parker.
  • Lincoln Steffens Publishes "The Shame of the Cities"

    Lincoln Steffens Publishes "The Shame of the Cities"
    this book is a collection of artcles that reported on the curruption within political machines in US cities.
  • Industrial Workers Of The World Organized

    Industrial Workers Of The World Organized
    This was a radical international labor union founded in 1905. it combined general and industrial unionism.
  • Hepburn Act Passed

    Hepburn Act Passed
    this act gave the interstate commerce commission the power to set maximum railroad rates further extending the jurisdiction of the ICC.
  • Upton Sinclair Published The Jungle

    Upton Sinclair Published The Jungle
    this novel detailed the harsh conditions on immigrants and how their cheap labor was exploited in chicago and in other cities.
  • Meat Inspection Act

    Meat Inspection Act
    this act prohibited the misbranded sale of livestock derived products and ensured that they were held and slaughtered in sanitary conditions.
  • Pure Food and Drug Act

    Pure Food and Drug Act
    this was a series of consumer protection laws that created the food and drug adminstration and it banned foreign and interstate selling of misbranded food and drug products.
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire

    Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
    this was the deadliest industrial disaster in the history of New York City. there were 146 deaths mostly because the owners had locked the doors and stairwells.
  • Election of Woodrow Wilson

    Election of Woodrow Wilson
    the democratic candidate Woodrow Wilson beat out three opponents for the election of 1912. he beat Theodore Roosevelt of the progressive party, William Taft of the Republican party and Eugene Debs of the Socialist party.
  • Eugene V. Debs runs for president

    Eugene V. Debs runs for president
    Eugene V. Debs ran for president in 1904, 1908, 1912 and 1920. he was the candidate for the Socialist party of America. he became one of the best known socialist in the United States.
  • Department of Labor

    Department of Labor
    the department of labor was created to ensure the occupational safety ofg workers as well as ensure decent wages and hours. it also gave unemployment benefits and provided the country with economic statistics.