History of the Atom Timeline by( Keondre B. and Colby W.)

By cwkb
  • 360

    Aristotle BC

    Aristotle BC
    Aristotle did not agreed with the atomic theory. He stuck with and promoted the idea that the universe was made from Earth, Air, Fire, and water.
    "Aristotle element". photo.www.oocities.org.6,3
    Reljin, Vickie. "Development of the Atomic Theory." Prezi.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Mar. 2014.
  • 460

    Democritus BC

    Democritus BC
    Democritus belive that the atoms are indivisible that lies in empty space. He also belive atoms are indestructible and always in motion. He thought they looked individual.
    "Democritus Biography | BookRags.com." BookRags.com | Study Guides, Lesson Plans, Book Summaries and More. Web. 19 Nov. 2010. http://www.bookrags.com/biography/democritus/
    Reljin, Vickie. "Development of the Atomic Theory." Prezi.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Mar. 2014.
  • Dalton A.D.

    Dalton A.D.
    Dalton discovered that all matter is made from atoms, that atoms are indivisible and indestructible, and that all matter of a given element are identical in mass and property. He observered and gatherd information from other philospers that had the same idea. Thought they look tiny, indivisible , and indestructable
    Reljin, Vickie. "Development of the Atomic Theory." Prezi.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Mar. 2014.
    "Dalton atomic therory".Photo.abyss.uoregon.edu.
  • Thomson AD

    Thomson AD
    • discovered electrons, subartic particles, all credited with finding the first evidence for isotopes.
    • used cathrode ray that negatively charge particle in atoms Thought that the negatively charged particles were spread out in a positively charged atoms "Bohr atomic therory"Photo. www.the-history-of-the-atom wikipedia.com
  • Rutherford AD

    Rutherford AD
    He used the Gold Foil experiment and he discoverd that while most of the atoms was made up of empty space ther is a smal dense center, which we called the nucleus.
    Reljin, Vickie. "Development of the Atomic Theory." Prezi.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Mar. 2014.
  • Borh A.D.

    Borh A.D.
    Bohr had an idea that electrons traveled in shells, or certain energy-leveles around the nucleus. There can be a certain amount of electrons on a certain shell.Reljin, Vickie. "Development of the Atomic Theory." Prezi.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Mar. 2014.
  • Heisenberg and Schrodinger

    Heisenberg and Schrodinger
    Proposed principle of Indetminaly you can not know both the position and velocity of a particle.
    Used the frequncies based on spectra lines to describe atom
    He describe them using formula
    Reljin, Vickie. "Development of the Atomic Theory." Prezi.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Mar. 2014.