History of the Atom -Alex and Kyndel

By ABerg97
  • Period: Oct 10, 1001 to

    Atom timeline

  • Oct 9, 1417


    He preformed no experiments, had only the slimest piece of evidence for postulating the existance of atoms.
  • Period: Oct 9, 1417 to

    THe history of Matter

  • John Dalton

    John Dalton
    Determined that each chemical element is cohostof a unique type of atom. That the atoms defered by their masses.
  • William Crooke

    William Crooke
    Did experiments with a glass vaccume tube. The glass tube had two peices of metal called electrodes. The other cathode has a negative charge, one electrode, and one posotive charge. The were called cathode rays.
  • George Stoney

    George Stoney
    He discovered the alpha particle ,but had no further proof of it.
  • J.J. Thompson

    J.J. Thompson
    Placed a magnet beside the cathode ray. The beam is beant in the opposite direction of the magnet. Proton is the positive particle in the nucleus. Suggested a modle of the atom as a sphere of positive matter in which electrons are positition by electrostatic forces.
  • Period: to

    History of the Atom

  • Earnest Rutherford

    Earnest Rutherford
    Ran tests on the Apha Particle.Studied from J.J. Thompsons work and wanted to prove it. He predicted that alpha paricles would go through a sheet of gold. Then after that he discovered the nucleous since the alpha particles would refract back to him.
  • Niels Bore

    Niels Bore
    Developed an explanation oatomic structyre that unlined regularites of the perdidic table of elements his atomic modle had orbits around the nucules.