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History of the Atom

By I'mMaxJ
  • 440

    Democtritus First Atom Theoroy

    Democtritus First Atom Theoroy
    He proposed that everything in life was built out of something more than just the simply that material. Everything was made up of small building blocks of life called atoms
  • Dalton's Contribution to Atomic Theroy

    Dalton's Contribution to Atomic Theroy
    Dalton Developed the Algorithm that calculated the weight of an atom.
  • Thompson

    He discovered that electrons were the small particles on the outside of a cell had a negative charge.
  • Erwin Schrödinger

    Erwin Schrödinger
    Schrödinger used mathematical equations to describe the likelihood of finding an electron in a certain position.
  • Bohr

    He proposed that electrons orbit around the nucleus and that the amount of energy the electrons had by determining how far it was from the nucleus.
  • Broglie Made his Wave Electron Discovery

    He believed that electrons acted like both particles and light waves so he could infer some of the properties.
  • Heisenberg

    He discovered that electrons did not flow around the nucleus in neat orbits that it was unpredictable or random.