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Evolution of the Periodic Table

  • Hennig Brand

    Hennig Brand
    attempted to created a Philosopher’s Stone. An object that supposedly could turn metals into pure gold. He heated residues from boiled urine, and a liquid dropped out and burst into flames. This was the first discovery of phosphorus.
  • Cobalt

    Cobalt was first discovered by a Swedish chemist Georg Brandt.
  • Nickel

    Nickel was discovered by the Swedish chemist Axel Fredrik Cronstedt.
  • Hydrogen

    Hydrogen was discovered by English chemist and physicist Henry Cavendish.
  • Antoine Lavoisier

    Antoine Lavoisier
    Wrote the first extensive list of elements containing 33 elements.
  • Nitrogen

    Nitrogen was discovered by Scottish chemist Daniel Rutherford.
  • Chlorine

    Chlorine was discovered by a Swedish scientist, Carl Willam Scheele.
  • Oxygen

    Oxygen was discovered by English chemist Joseph Priestley and Swedish chemist Carl Wilhelm Scheele.
  • Platinum

    was observed by Antonio de Ulloa and Don Jorge Juan y Santacilia
  • Tungsten

    Tungsten was isolated by on Juan José D'Elhuyard and Don Fausto D'Elhuyard, Spanish chemists and brothers.
  • Uranium

    Uranium was discovered by German chemist Martin Heinrich Klaproth.
  • Titanium

    Titanium was first discovered by English clergyman William Gregor.
  • Sodium

    Sodium was discovered by English chemist Sir Humphry Davy.
  • Potassium

    Potassium was discovered by English chemist Sir Humphry Davy.
  • Calcium

    Calcium was discovered by English chemist Sir Humphry Davy.
  • Barium

    Barium was isolated by English chemist Sir Humphry Davy.
  • Strontium

    Strontium was isolated by English chemist Sir Humphry Davy.
  • Magnesium

    The element was isolated by A. A. B. Bussy and Sir Humphrey Davy.
  • Boron

    Boron was first discovered by Sir Humphrey Davy, Joseph-Louis Gay-Lussac and Louis Jacques Thênard.
  • Scientist discovered

    at least 47 elements, and began to see patterns in the characteristics.
  • Jöns Jakob Berzelius

    Jöns Jakob Berzelius
    Developed a table of atomic weights. and Introduced letters to symbolize elements.
  • Johann Döbereiner

    Johann Döbereiner
    Developed 'triads', groups of 3 elements with similar properties.
    Lithium, sodium & potassium formed a triad.
    Calcium, strontium & barium formed a triad.
    Chlorine, bromine & iodine formed a triad.
  • John Newlands

    John Newlands
    The known elements that were greater than 60 were arranged in order of atomic weights and observed similarities between the first and ninth elements, the second and tenth elements etc.
  • Lothar Meyer

    Lothar Meyer
    Compiled a Periodic Table of 56 elements based on the periodicity of properties such as molar volume when arranged in order of atomic weight.

    Side Note* Meyer & Mendeleev produced their Periodic Tables simultaneously.
  • Dmitri Mendeleev

    Dmitri Mendeleev
    Produced a table based on atomic weights but arranged 'periodically' with elements with similar properties under each other.
  • William Ramsay

    William Ramsay
    In 1894 Ramsay removed oxygen, nitrogen, water and carbon dioxide from a sample of air and was left with a gas 19 times heavier than hydrogen, very unreactive and with an unknown emission spectrum. He called this gas Argon. In 1895 he discovered helium as a decay product of uranium and matched it to the emission spectrum of an unknown element in the sun that was discovered in 1868. He went on to discover neon, krypton and xenon, and realised these represented a new
  • Henry Moseley

    Henry Moseley
    Determined the atomic number of each of the elements.
    Side Note* Moseley's modified Periodic Law puts the elements tellerium and iodine in the right order, as it does for argon and potassium, cobalt and nickel.
  • Henry Moseley

    Henry Moseley
    Predicted that there were 3 unknown elements between aluminium and gold and concluded there were only 92 elements up to and including uranium.
  • Glenn Seaborg

    Glenn Seaborg
    Synthesised transuranic elements (the elements after uranium in the periodic table)