

  • 1945

    1945 Feb. Yalta Conference
    May World War II ends in Europe.
    Aug. U.S. drops an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan.
    Potsdam Conference - Truman - Stalin and British divide up Europe
  • 1946

    1946 Jan. First East European Communist government set up in Albania.
  • 1947

    1947 Jan. Communists seize power in Poland.
    March Truman Doctrine announced.
  • 1948

    1948 June Berlin Airlift begins (ends May 19, 1949)
  • 1949

    1949 April North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) established.
    Aug. Soviet Union explodes its first atomic bomb.
    Oct. Communists win Chinese Civil War.
  • 1950

    1950 June U.S. and other U.N. members fight North Korean forces.
    (the Korean War ends July 27, 1953)
  • 1953

    1953 Aug. U.S. sponsored coup overthrows Iranian government
  • 1954

    1954 June U.S. sponsored coup overthrows Guatemalan government.
    Sept. Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) formed.
  • 1955

    1955 May Warsaw Pact formed.
    July First Summit Meeting between President Dwight Eisenhower and Premier Nikita Khrushchev.
  • 1956

    1956 Nov. Red Army crushes the Hungarian Revolution.
  • 1957

    1957 Oct. Soviets launch first man‑made satellite.
  • 1959

    1959 Feb. Fidel Castro becomes premier of Cuba, installs Communist government.
  • 1961

    1961 Apr. Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba.
    Aug. East Germany builds Berlin Wall.
  • 1962

    1962 June Sino‑Soviet Conflict begins.
    Oct. Cuban Missile Crisis.
  • 1964

    1964 Oct. China explodes its first atomic bomb.
  • 1965

    1965 April U.S. sends troops to the Dominican Republic.
    Aug. U.S. commits combat troops to South Vietnam.
  • 1968

    1968 Aug. Soviet Red Army crushes Czech Uprising.
  • 1972

    1972 Feb. President Richard Nixon visits China.
  • 1973

    1973 Sept. U.S. supported coup overthrows Chilean government.
  • 1975

    1975 Apr. South Vietnam falls to Communist forces.
  • 1976

    1976 Feb. Soviet and Cuban forces help install Communist government in Angola.
  • 1979

    1979 Jan. U.S. and China establish diplomatic relations.
    Dec. Soviet Red Army invades Afghanistan
  • 1980

    1980 Aug. Polish shipyard workers strike, Solidarity Union formed.
  • 1983

    1983 Dec. U.S. invades Grenada.
  • 1985

    1985 Mar. Mikhail Gorbachev becomes leader of the Soviet Union, the following year he declares glasnost and perestroika.
  • 1989

    1989 May Led by university students, over one million Chinese in Tiananmen Square demand reforms by
    the Chinese Communist government.
    Sept. Solidarity forms the first post-war non-Communist government in Poland
    Oct. Hungary declares a non-Communist government.
    Nov. East Germany allows unrestricted migration to West Germany.
    Dec. Berlin Wall is demolished.
  • 1990

    1990 May George Bush and Mikhail Gorbachev agree to the reunification of Germany in 1994
  • 1991

    1991 Aug. Hard-line Communists stage unsuccessful coup against Mikhail Gorbachev.
    Dec. The Soviet Union is abolished. Boris Yeltsin becomes President of Russia.