Discovery of Elements Timeline

  • 1526


    Created cure from medicine and other elements
  • Robert Boyle

    began to develop the scientific method after finding out about Brandt's discovery of Phosphorus
  • Henry Cavendish

    discovered the first element Hydrogen by using Zinc and fire
  • Brandts

    Tried to gold in urine, but discovered Phosphorus
  • Joseph Prestley

    experimented with carbon dioxide; created carbonated liquid
  • Joseph Prestley

    discovered oxygen using mercuric oxide unknowingly
  • Antoine Laviosier

    claimed he discovered the oxygen element; this scrapped the idea of phlogiston -- earth, air, fire, water
  • Humphrey Davy

    from KOH (Potash) using electrolysis discovered potassium and sodium derived from this mixture
  • Dmitri Mendeleev

    created a periodic table by atomic mass
  • Marie Curie

    discovered polonium and radium
  • Henry Moseley

    declared that the atomic number was the same number of positive charges in the atomic nucleus
  • Glenn Seaborg

    discovered, uranium-- transuranium "radioactive" elements