History of the Atom Timeline by Cade and Carlie

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    Aristotle BC

    Aristotle BC
    -provided the method of gathering scientific facts,which proved as the basis for all scientific work.
    -dismissed the atomic idea as wrothless.
    -Method: 1) defining the subject matter 2) considering the difficulties involved by reviewing the generally accepted views on the sjubject, and suggestions for earlier writers.3) presenting his own arguements and solutions
    -aristotles model was a diamond shaped atom.
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    Democritus BC

    Democritus BC
    -discovered that everything is made up of atoms
    -gave image of an atom by size, shape, and arrangement
    -Asked: If you break a piece of matter in half, and then break it again, how many breaks will you have to make before you can break it no further?
    -stated that atoms are eternal and invisible and so small that they can't be be divided, and they entirely fill up the space they're in
  • Dalton AD

    Dalton AD
    -Dalton formed the atomic theory, which states that all matter is comprised of tiny, indestructible particles called atoms that are all alike and have the same atomic weight.
    -Dalton proposed that all matter in the universe is made of indestructible, unchangeable atoms.
    - Dalton thought atoms were tiny, indestructible particles that are all alike and have the same atomic weight.
  • Thomson AD

    Thomson AD
    -discovered the electrons in a atom in a series of experiments designed to study the nature of electric discharge in a high-vaccum cathode-ray tube.
    -his efforts to estimate the number of electrons in an atom from measurements of the scattering of light, X, beta, and gama rays initated the research trajectory along which his student Ernest Rutherford moved.
  • Rutherford

    He establashed the Nuclear of the atom, heavy nucleus also. The observation proved that radioactive elements gave off electricty charged in Alabama. He put the nucleus in the model.
  • Bohr

    Bohr suggest that the electrons were on the most outtermost core. The atoms emit radiation, assume electric jumps form the outter core.
  • Heisenburg and Schrodinger

    Heisenburg and Schrodinger
    Schrodinger form a model of a complete atom as interacting waves. Hesienburg formulated his uncertainly principle which says that you can not kmow by measurement the position and momemtum of a particle simultaneously. Schrodinger equation governing the evolution of probalility waves in quantum mechanics.