Dante alighieri1

Dante Alighieri

  • 1265

    Dante Alighieri in Florence, Republic of Florence, present-day Italy.

    Dante Alighieri in Florence, Republic of Florence, present-day Italy.
    Born to Alighiero di Bellincione and mother Gabriella "Bella" degli Abati, Dante's official date of birth is unknown. This approximation has been deduced by analysis of the first canto in the Inferno, in which Dante states: "Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita" ("Midway upon the journey of our life"). According to the bible the average human lifespan is 70 years, so Dante would be in his mid-thirties when he wrote his magnum opus. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dante_Alighieri
  • 1274

    Dante meets Beatrice Portinari, his muse

    Dante meets Beatrice Portinari, his muse
    Florentine nobleman Folco Portinari throws a party for his neighbors. Nine-year-old Dante and his father attend. Dante spots Folco's daughter, eight-year-old Beatrice Portinari, and instantly falls in love http://preraphaelitesisterhood.com/the-unrequited-love-of-dante-and-beatrice/
  • 1283

    Dante marries Gemma Donati

    Dante marries Gemma Donati
    Dante marries Gemma Donati. His beloved Beatrice also marries someone else, Simone dei Bardi. Dante and Gemma Donati have five children: sons Jacopo, Pietro, Giovanni and Gabrielle and daughter Antonia. https://antoniopriante.com/tag/gemma-donati/
  • 1289

    Battle Between Guelphs and Ghibellinis

    Battle Between Guelphs and Ghibellinis
    Dante fights on the side of the pro-Pope Guelph forces against the pro-Emperor Ghibellinis. The Guelphs win, and Dante boasts of his military prowess in a letter to a friend. https://www.florenceinferno.com/guelphs-and-ghibellines/
  • 1290

    Beatrice dies

    Beatrice dies
    Dante's love Beatrice dies at the age of 24. He is devastated and reincarnates her later in his work as a divine guide in the Commedia. https://www.florenceinferno.com/beatrice-portinari/
  • 1292

    Vita Nuova

    Vita Nuova
    Dante writes La Vita Nuova di Dante Alighieri, a long poem tracing his relationship with Beatrice from their first meeting to her death. Scholars now interpret the title to signify Dante's "new life" as a poet. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Vita_Nuova
  • 1295

    Dante Begins Political Career

    Dante Begins Political Career
    Dante enrolls in the apothecary's guild, which accepts poets and philosophers. As a member of a guild, he is able to participate in Florentine politics. He is soon elected to the council of the Heads of the Arts, the organization that helps choose the Priors, the six supreme magistrates of Florence. https://dappledthings.org/7653/dante-gets-political/
  • 1301

    Dante Opposes Pope Boniface VIII

    Dante Opposes Pope Boniface VIII
    In a public meeting, Dante opposes a request from Pope Boniface VIII to send 200 troops to acquire lands south of Siena. Word of Dante's opposition gets back to Boniface, who is not pleased.
  • 1302

    Dante is Charged and Exiled

    Dante is Charged and Exiled
    Dante learns that new priors have charged him with barratry, the sale of political positions. As punishment, he is banished from Florence for two years and barred from public office for life. He is also ordered to pay a fine. When he refuses to pay the fine, Dante is sentenced to death in absentia. He never returns to Florence, the city of his birth, and spends the rest of his life exiled in Italy. https://spark.parkland.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1045&context=ah
  • 1308

    Dante Begins the Commedia

    Dante Begins the Commedia
    It is a semi-autobiographical three-part poem detailing the journey of Dante the pilgrim through Hell, Purgatory and Heaven. He also writes De Monarchia, a treatise on the relationship between the monarchy and the state. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dante_Alighieri
  • 1314

    Inferno is Published

    Inferno is Published
    Inferno, the first segment of Dante's three-part Divine Comedy , is published. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divine_Comedy
  • 1320

    Dante Completes the Commedia

    Dante Completes the Commedia
    One year before his death in 1321. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divine_Comedy