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Daniel Dennet

  • Birth

    Daniel Dennett is Born on March 28th 1942
    Mother: Ruth Marjorie
    Father: Daniel Clement Dennett
  • Phillips Exeter Academy

    Phillips Exeter Academy
    Graduates Phillips Exeter Academy in 1959 at the age of 17,
    Daniel Dennett had been told by this point by instructors from his summer camps that he had the mind of a philosopher.
  • Marriage

    In 1962 Daniel Dennett marries Susan Bell.
  • Harvard University

    Harvard University
    Graduated Harvard University with a Bachelors in Arts in 1963 at the age of 21.
  • Oxford University

    Oxford University
    Within two years of receiving a Bachelors Degree from the Harvard University Daniel Dennett received a Doctorate of Philosophy from the University of Oxford. His dissertation "The Mind: Introspective Description in the Light of Neurological Findings; Intentionally" was his primary work for his dissertation.
  • Major Works: "Brainstorms"

    Major Works: "Brainstorms"
    Published in 1981, Brainstorms, and the 17 essays included in it explore the ideas of consciousness, theory of the mind, and free will. This work also includes the achievements in until that point in the field of artificial intelligence and its properties.
  • Major Works: "Darwins Dangerous Idea: Evolution and The Meanings of Life"

    Major Works: "Darwins Dangerous Idea: Evolution and The Meanings of Life"
    In 1995 Daniel Dennett would produce what would be one of his most recognizable works, this book focuses on the philosophical implications and effects of Darwinist thinking on the world. A particular point made being the contrast between theories of immense complexity requiring "miracles" to be true as opposed to structured instead built on previously established knowledge.
  • Major Works: "Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon

    Major Works: "Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon
    Published in 1906 this book by Daniel Dennett addresses what may be considered a stigma or impasse between how religious belief is viewed and how scientific study is viewed. The assertion, in short being that religion, and the belief that it is beyond scientific scrutiny should be done away with. This work breaks down in to two fundamental questions: Can science study religion? and Should science study religion?
  • In Response to Pastor Rick Warren

    In Response to Pastor Rick Warren
  • Freedom From Religion Foundation

    In February 2010 Daniel Dennett was named to the Board of Honorary Distinguished Achievers for his works such as Brainstorms, Darwin's Dangerous Idea, and Breaking the Spell.
  • Erasmus Prize

    Erasmus Prize
    In 2012 Daniel Dennett was awarded the Erasmus Prize for his ability to convey the significance of science and technology to a wider audience than was previously standard. This is usually awarded to one person a year, fun fact: the 2015 Erasmus Prize went to Wikepedia
  • Radboud University

    In 2018 Daniel Dennett was awarded a honorary degree from Radboud University in the Netherlands for his work in cross-disciplinary sciences, bridging the ways of thinking between cognition, philosophy, and even religion.