
Cold War Timeline

  • Russian Revolution

    Russian Revolution
    The Russian Revolution occurred during WWI when the people of Russia grew tired of starving and being sent off to war, they rebelled against their czar and began a new era of communism in Russia.
  • Potsdam Conference

    Potsdam Conference
    The Potsdam Conference was a meeting between the three big ally leaders, Winston Churchill, Josef Stalin, and Franklin D. Roosevelt, in Potsdam Germany to decide the fate of Europe and Germany.
  • The Atomic Bombs

    The Atomic Bombs
    At the end of the war in the Pacific Japan would not surrender, so rather than risk the loss of thousands of american lives, american leaders dropped two new highly destructive bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. They caused destruction like the world had never seen before and became the weapon that defined the rest of the 20th century.
  • Iron Curtain

    Iron Curtain
    The Iron Curtain was an imaginary barrier between the democratic capitalist west Europe and the Soviet Union to the east. Prime minister Winston Churchill coined the term when he said that "and iron curtain has descended across the continent"
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    The Truman Doctrine was a foreign policy created by President Truman to counter the expansion of the Soviet Union.
  • Hollywood Ten

    Hollywood Ten
    The Hollywood Ten are ten people who worked in the film industry who publicly excoriated the House of un-american activities committee. There names were: Alvah Bessie, Herbert J. Biberman, Lester Cole, Edward Dmytryk, Ring Lardner Jr., John Howard Lawson, Albert Maltz, Samuel Ornitz, Robert Adrian Scott, and Dalton Trumbo.
  • The Marshal plan

    The Marshal plan
    The marshal plan gave over 13 billion dollars to the European countries still struggling to rebuild after WW2, The east European soviet satellites did not accept the marshal plan.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    In the beginning of the Cold War the Soviet Union blockaded west Berlin and rather than leave them to starve, the U.S. flew food and supplies into Berlin regularly.
  • Alger Hiss Case

    Alger Hiss Case
    Alger Hiss was convicted of espionage by the house of un-american activities board and was one of first in a long series of trials during the Red Scare.
  • NATO

    NATO is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization it was formed as an alliance between the western powers to oppose communism.
  • The Molotov plan

    The Molotov plan
    The molotov plan was the soviet plan to rebuild the countries under their power that were devastated by WW2.
  • Soviet Bomb Test

    Soviet Bomb Test
    The first detonation of a soviet owned nuclear bomb, code name first lightning. This occurred far sooner than the U.S. expected.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    The Korean war was a war between North and South Korea and was one of the many proxy wars the U.S, capitalist side and the Soviet Union Communist side.
  • Rosenberg Trial

    Rosenberg Trial
    The couple Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were accused and put on trial for selling nuclear bomb secrets to the Soviet Union. THey were convicted and sentenced to death.
  • Army-McCarthy hearings

    Army-McCarthy hearings
    McCarthy, a U.S. senator, made his name famous by viciously attacking suspected communists and calling his rivals 'communist sympathizers' he went a step too far, however when he started targeting members of the U.S. army. They put him on trial and he lost his reputation in the process
  • Geneva Conference

    Geneva Conference
    The Geneva conference was a meeting at Geneva Switzerland to discuss recent conflicts in Korea and southeast Asia.
  • Battle of Dien Bien Phu

    Battle of Dien Bien Phu
    The Battle of Dien Bien Phu was fought between the French and Viet Minh, the communist freedom fighters battling for a free Vietnam.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    The Warsaw pact was an attempt to strengthen its hold over its satellites by increasing soviet military involvement in the participating states.
  • Hungarian Revolution

    Hungarian Revolution
    Thousands of protesters rioted in favor of a democratic government in Hungary, but the demonstration was brutally broken by soviet forces.
  • U2 Spy Incident

    U2 Spy Incident
    When the Soviet Union struck down a U.S. spy plane the world yet again teetered on the brink of war, as the U.S. had promised to stop sending spy planes over Russia.
  • Bay of Pigs Incident

    Bay of Pigs Incident
    After Cuba fell to communism, the U.S., in an effort to take back the island nation, trained hundreds of Cuban refugees and told them to take back their home. The end result was a failure, a catastrophe and an embarrassment to the United states as a whole.
  • The Berlin Wall

    The Berlin Wall
    The Berlin Wall was built by the soviets to stop the flow of east Germans from fleeing the communist dictatorship into capitalist west Berlin.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    The Cuban Missile Crisis was one of the closest calls of the Cold War, the U.S. blockaded Cuba so the Soviet Union couldn't put nuclear bombs on the island which is an act of war, but in the end we narrowly avoided a disaster at the last moment.
  • The Assassination of Diem

    The Assassination of Diem
    Ngo Dinh Diem was a supremely un liked leader in South Vietnam, he was so un liked that his people began lightig themselves on fire to protest his actions. In a CIA backed military coo, he was finally assassinated.
  • The Assassination of JFK

    The Assassination of JFK
    While traveling through Dallas with his wife, President John F. Kennedy was shot dead in his convertible by Lee Harvey Oswald.
  • Tonkin Gulf Resolution

    Tonkin Gulf Resolution
    Though they had already sent consultants to South Vietnam, a fight between the North Vietnamese government and two U.S destroyers persuaded the U.S. to become more involved in the Vietnam war. Congress wrote the president a 'Blank Check' to do whatever he needed to to win the war.
  • Operation Rolling Thunder

    Operation Rolling Thunder
    Operation rolling thunder was a bombing campaign by the U.S against North Vietnam.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    The Tet Offensive was a cluster of attacks in South Vietnam by North Vietnam forces. Though the attacks were largely unsuccessful, they did succeed in turning public opinion of the war
  • Assassination of MLK

    Assassination of MLK
    On this day Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated by James Earl Ray. There are many theories about his assassination, many believe there was more to the story.
  • Riots of Democratic convention

    Riots of Democratic convention
    while tensions were still high from the MLK assassination, riots broke out at the democratic convention over disagreement on their stance on the Vietnam war.
  • Assassination of RFK

    Assassination of RFK
    Bobby Kennedy, brother of John Kennedy, was talking about uniting this country when he was shot at the Ambassador hotel Los Angeles.
  • Invasion of Czechoslovakia

    Invasion of Czechoslovakia
    When Czechoslovakia began taking steps away from communism, the soviet union, fearing loosing one of their satellites, invaded.
  • Election of Nixon

    Election of Nixon
    Richard Nixon was a the republican presidential candidate who won the elections in 1964.
  • Kent State Shootings

    Kent State Shootings
    During an anti-war protest at Kent state university, a group of Ohio state national guard members shot at an unarmed crowd of collage students, killing 4 students.
  • Nixon visits China

    Nixon visits China
    Nixon visited China to, slowly but surely, start to build connections and relations between them and the U.S.
  • Ceasefire in Vietnam

    Ceasefire in Vietnam
    In the process of 'vietnamizeing' the war, Nixon organized a cease fire with the North Vietnamese, it was a big step in leaving the war permanently.
  • Fall of Saigon

    Fall of Saigon
    The End of the Vietnam war finally came when North Vietnamese troops took Saigon, the capital of South Vietnam, the Americans can be seen fleeing by helicopter from rooftops.
  • Reagan Elected

    Reagan Elected
    In one of the most important elections in American history, the final president of the Cold War is elected.
  • SDI announced

    SDI announced
    SDI or 'Star Wars' was a futuristic, almost implausible technology Reagan claimed to be developing where he would send satellites into the atmosphere to shoot down intercontinental missiles.
  • Geneva Conference with Gorbachev

    Geneva Conference with Gorbachev
    Tensions in the Cold war finally seem to be lessening as president Ronald Reagan and Soviet leader Micheal Gorbachev meet for the first time in Geneva Switzerland.
  • ‘Tear down this wall’ speech

    ‘Tear down this wall’ speech
    In a historic moment, the president of the united states makes a speech in Berlin and challenges the leader of the Soviet Union to tear down the Berlin wall.
  • Fall of Berlin Wall

    Fall of Berlin Wall
    The fall of the Berlin wall Signified an end to the Cold War and a victory for freedom and democracy.