Cold War Timeline

By drgdrg
  • Nuremberg Trails

    Allies worked together to establish a plan to rid germany of any remenants of the Nazi Party and Nazi beliefs, in part by former Nazi and military leaders to justice for crimes committed during the war
  • Stalins public statement

    Stalin believed war between the East and West was bound to happen in the future. The next month, former British leader Winston Churchill gave a speech in the United States. Churchill used the image of an iron curtain to describe the sharp division of Europe that was the result of Soviet actions. This division, he said, was a serious threat to peace
  • Truman Doctrine

    The truman Doctrine was a plege to provide economic and military aid to oppose the spread of Communism. The united states was committed Truman said to helping free people resist takeover by armed minorities or outside presures.
  • Marshall Plan

    Economic problems existed throughout much of Europe. Truman believed that if confitions grew worse, more Europeans might turn to communism. so in mid 1947 the us government launched a massive program of economic aid provided 13 billion us dollars to rebuild Europe
  • Crisis in Berlin

    Soviets blocked off all land, rail, and water routes into West Berlin. As a result, Berlin's 2 million residents were no longer able to import food coal and other vital supplies.
  • War in Korea

    North koreans attacked south korea. their goal was to unite the country under a communist government.Beliveing that a failure to defend south korea might lead to other attempts at communist expansion, the united states asked th UN to approve the use of force to stop the invasion.
  • Nuclear Arms race

    The united states tested the first fusion-powered hydrogen bomb with spectacular results, completely vaporizing the island on which the bomb was tested,
  • Early arms control

    Eisenhower proposed a so called open skies treaty with the soviet union. this aggrement would allow each other side to fly over the others territory and gather accurate information.
  • Sputnik

    The arms race took another leap forward with the sovet unions successful launch of sputnik was historys first artificial satellite.
    americans feard that soviet military tecnology has leaped ahead of their own
  • Bay of PIgs invasion

    the us government seeking to overthrow castro , secretly trained an invasion force of approximately 1500 cubans who had fled castros regime, this force came ashore at cubas bay
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    A confrontation between the united states and the Soviet union over the installation of Soviet nuclear missles in cuba. After a two week standoff, Soviet leaders removed the missiles when the united states aggreed to remove their missiles from turkey and promised not to attack cuba.
  • Revolutions is eastern europe

    the citizens of eastern europe, longing for freedom, did not wait for reform, revolution quickly spread across the region as citizens rose up and over threw thier soviet backed leaders
  • Colapse of soviet union

    The fall of the berlin wall and the collapse of soviet backed regiems in eastern europe showed the dramatic crumbling of soviet power.