Images 14

Cold War

  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    The Yalta Conference was where Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill discussed about the end of World War two. Stalin agreed to have free elections in East Germany and Roosevelt and Churchill promised Russia would gain land lost in the Russo-Japanese War. This would cause future tensions in the Cold War. S:
  • Potsdam Conference

    Potsdam Conference
    The Potsdam Conference was a difficult one because how to split Berlin, the Capital of Germany between the Allied Powers. Both the United States and the Soviet Union held firm grip with negotiating of Germany and Berlin. The U.S.'s Atmoic Bomb wouldn't give the upper hand because of Stalins knowledge of the Atomic Bomb. S:
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    The Cold War

  • North Vietnam

    North Vietnam
    On September 2, 1945 Vietnam led by Ho Chi minh declared Independence from France. Soon after French Troops restore French Rule and Guerilla Warfare begins. The IndoChinese War begins. S:
  • Berlin Declaration

    Berlin Declaration
    The Berlin Declaration was when in 1945, the U.S., U.S.S.R, Britain and the French officially declaring the defeat of Germany and the occupation zones were in creation over Germany and conquered territories. S:
  • Churchill's Iron Curtain Speech

    Churchill's Iron Curtain Speech
    In 1945 Winston Churchill lost election as Prime Minister but was invited to a University in Missiouri. President Truman joined and listened intently and knew theat the Soviet Union wanted communist expansion. Stalin heard the speech thought of it as a racial, imerialist speech. S:
  • The Marshall Plan

    The Marshall Plan
    The Marshall Plan was a plan to restore the European econmy after WW2 and have the Continent recover,. Sixteen countries including France, Great Britian and Germany were all included in the reperations made to the countries invovled. Approx. 13 Bilion was put into the Marshall plan. S:
  • The U.S. Containment Policy

    The U.S. Containment Policy
    The United States Containment Policy was issued to instead of eliminating communism, they would control it from spreading accross the globe.
  • Berlin Blockade

    Berlin Blockade
    The Berlin Blockade was attempt by Stalin to limit the travel to West Berlin. This was known as a violation to the Postdam Conference. President Truman proceeded with the Marshall Plan and knowing if they lost West Berlin, they could lose all of Germany to the Soviet Union. S:
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    The Berlin Airlift was a plan used by the U.S., Great Britain and France to drop supplies over the city of West Berlin. This was because Stalin's blockade stopped transports by land travel. this brought tensions between the United Sates and Soviet Union even further. S:
  • NATO

    NATO was formed in 1949 as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It was formed to make a alliance of the Western Hemisphere and all of the United States Allies which they provided support for. Soon after NATO was created the Korean War began with North Vietnam's Invasion.
  • The Korean War and US Invovlement

    The Korean War and US Invovlement
    After NATO was created a war broke out in Korea when North Korea invaded South Korea. As the United States pushed through Korea, Chinese troops started to help the Communist North Krea as the United States supported the Democratic South Korea. It Costed 50 billion and 140 thousand in American wounded/casualties. S:
  • Julius and Ethel Rosenburg

    Julius and Ethel Rosenburg
    Julius and Ethel Rosenburg were jailed and executed for espionage against the United States, selling information to the Soviet Union. There was much controversy about the couple because of anti-communism influence and that the death sentence was too harsh.
  • Einsenhower Presidency

    Einsenhower Presidency
    Eisenhower started off as the General leading the invasion of Nazi-Europe and came back a War Hero in 1945. In 1953 He ran as a Republican kept the peace during his presidency from the threat of Nuclear War with Soviet Russia. He also led many CIA anti-communist operations around the world. S:
  • Nikita Kruschev

    Nikita Kruschev
    Nikita Kruschev took over the U.S.S.R when Stalin died. He pushed forward and thought of Stalin as too harsh and started the De-Stalinization process. He was in very important positions during the Berlin wall construction process and the Cuban Missile Crisis. S:
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    To fight against NATO, the Soviet Union created the Warsaw Pact which made Soviet Union and Soviet controlled countries a treaty where the Soviets used their member's armies. What they felt was a stab at the Pact was when West Germany joined NATO. S:
  • Sputnik

    Sputnik was launched into space by the Soviet Union which starts the Sapce Age and the Space race between the U.S. and Soviets. While U.S. Made their sucessful launch, Soviets already beat them with sending a dog into space in the Sputnik 2. S:
  • Cuban Revolution

    Cuban Revolution
    The Cuban Revolution started on July 26th and was led by FIdel Castro. He led guerilla warfare on Cuba and on January 1st 1959, Castro took over and overthrew the government and made Cuba a Communist dicatatorship. S:
  • The Kennedy Presidency

    The Kennedy Presidency
    John F. Kennedy was the 35th president in office in 1960. He led the U.S. through the Cuban Missle Crisis in 1961 where the Cold War almost was pushed into a invsaion of Cuba and Nuclear Warfare. He was assasinated before his presidency was over. S:
  • The U2 Incident

    The U2 Incident
    When the U.S. were watching over the Soviet bases in Cuba, a U2 was shot down which brought alot of diplomatic tension between the countries. The man caught by the Soviets served 2 years for espionage against them was exchanged with a soviet spy in the first ever spy exchange. S:
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    The Bay of Pigs invasion was a push for Cubans to take back Cuba from Fidel Castro. 1,400 American trained Cubans went to go for a full scale invasio. The Cubans were outnumbered and overwhelmed by Fidel Castro's troops and surreneder in less than 24 hours.
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    US Involvement in the Vietnam War.

    The Untied States were involved the Vietnam War since it began. The Northern Communist Vietnamese invaded South Vietnam to take over and the war was a 8 year process. The U.S. would withdraw from South Korea by Nixon letting North Korea take South.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    The Berlin Wall was created in 1961 by East Germany to Keep Fascists out of Socialist East Germany and was continually growwing stronger and bigger. Many tried to escape to West Germany and the Wall stood up until Nov. 9, 1989. S:
  • Checkpoint Charlie

    Checkpoint Charlie
    Checkpoint Charlie was the best known border hopping area during the Cold War. This was a symbol of the border between Captialism and Communism and freedom and confinement. This was also a checkpoint for where non-Germans, diplomats and journalists could visit.
  • The Assasination of JFK

    The Assasination of JFK
    John F. Kennedy were preparing for more of his Presidential campaigns for the 1964 elections. he was driving through Dallas, Texas. He was shot by Lee Harvey Oswald and days later Oswald was shot for kiling the President. A bit more than 100 days he was in office and he died, Vice President Johnson took over as President and he sadi Nov. 25 would be a day to mourn JFK. S:
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
    On August 7th, Congress gave approval for the expasion of the Vietnam War, Johnson feared that the citizens wouldn't like that we would be involved in the war. When some U.S. Destroyers were under attack this let Johnson misled to expansion of the War and to say that North Vietnam were aggresive on open waters. S:
  • SALT 1

    SALT 1
    In the 60's the Soviet union were building Anti Ballistic Missiles (ABM) to counter Nuclear Warheads and be able to fire against the United states without fear of Missles being fired back. President Johnson then went to the Priemier to settle a SALT treaty. S:
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    The Viet Cong launched more than 100 coordinated attacks on cities. The American/Vietnam forces held them off but there was a slow harsh withdrawl from Vietnam and turning point in the War. Soon less and less were supportive tothe Vietnam war. S:
  • Nixon's Presidency

    Nixon's Presidency
    Nixon became president in the 1968 election. He slowly had the U.S. pull out of Vietnam saying he will have "Peace with Honor". The U.S. was in the split decision with the Vietnam War. Though the South Vietnam were conquered after, he visited China and Vietnam to reduce Communist tensions. S:
  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11
    On July 16th 1969 Apollo 11 was launched ready to send men to the Moon. The lunar mission was commanded by Neil Armstrong and his 4 man crew. On July 20th they landed on the Moon, and Armstrong stepped onto it. He was the first man on the moon and won the space race with Soviet Russia. S:
  • Nixon visits China

    Nixon visits China
    Nixon takes a step to restoring relations with China by visiting them and driving a wedge between two big communist powers. He also wanted to have China and the Soviets to help with a peaceful treaty with the Vietnam War continuing. He also increased trade with China. S:

    More treaites occurred in 1972 with the SALT II and to limit nuclear devices between the two foes. Vladivostok Summit, Ford and Brezhnev signed the agreement and help stop another cause for nuclear war. There were many problems still not solved from SALT I because it still wasn't included to the treaty. S:
  • Paris Peace accords

    Paris Peace accords
    The Paris Peace accords was a end to the Vietnam War and keeping both Siuth and North vietnam seperate countries and South to lead democratic presidencies. ANd only peacful means can unify the two countries. S:
  • Fall of Saigon

    Fall of Saigon
    South Vietnam's Captial Saigon fell to North Vietnam Forces in 1975. As they pushed south many people fled South Vietnam, including leaders. The U.S. ambassador, Graham Martin said he wouldn't dissapear and leave South Vietnam. As Marines did evacuate, North Vietnam unified itself as it pushed to the leaders palace. S:
  • Iranian Revolution

    Iranian Revolution
    The Iranian revolution was made against Mohammad Reza Shah because he used secret police to control the country. They then eleceted the opposition of Mohammad, Ayatollah Khomeini took over as supreme leader. S:
  • Iran Hostage crisis

    Iran Hostage crisis
    A group of Iranians stormed the U.S. embassy and took 60 people hostage. The Hostage situation was about stopping the U.S. in Iran affairs by the revolutionist: Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. Negoations were made by Reagan's campaign team and Reagan won the election and the hostages were realeased. S:
  • Reagan's Presidency

    Reagan's Presidency
    President was a more recent popular two term president. He helped tear down the Berlin Wall and made peace relations with the ending Soviet Russia and reformist Mikhail Gorbachev the Leader of Russia in 1985. He survived a assasination attempt, and pushed for anti-communist movements in Iran and Carribeans. He helped finish the Cold Warduring his presidency. S:
  • Reagan and Gorbachev meet

    Reagan and Gorbachev meet
    The President and Gorbachev met after 8 years of no talks, and made more peace agreements to put down issues between econmies, enviromental issues and cultural/scientific issues. These would help for the future of the U.S. and put down armed weapons. S:
  • Tianamen Square Massacre

    Tianamen Square Massacre
    On June 4, Chinese soldiers shot arrested and killed 1000's of Pro-democracy citizens. It shocked both Cold war enemies and allies were shocked at this. The United States then was pushing for pose economic sanctions against the Chinese Republic to respond as their violation for basic human rights.
  • The Fall of the Berlin Wall

    The Fall of the Berlin Wall
    The Fall of the Berlin Wall was on Nov 9 1989, President Reegan gave a speech to tear down the wall. The wall split the nation of Germany for 28 years. Even scaring most germans away, many escaped in car trunks, hot air balloons, surfing around and digging under it. S:
  • Gulf War

    Gulf War
    The Gulf war was a invasion made by Saddam Hussein on Kuwait. The UN order for Iraq to depart from it. They instead annexed Kuwait and the UN also banned all trade with Iraq and immidately went to defend Saudi Arabia to defend the Oil rigs there a major producer of Oil. S:
  • The Dissolution of the Soviet Union

    The Dissolution of the Soviet Union
    Represenatives from 11 different Soviet Republics resigned from the Union few days before Christmas. ON Christmas day the Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev resigned on Christmas and the once large Soviet Union fell adn the SOviet flag flew over Moscow one last time. S: