Benjamin Harrison B.M

  • Birth

    Benjamin Harrison was born on August 20, 1833. He was born in North Bend, Ohio. His family's heritage went as far back as Jamestown, meaning they were some of the first families in Virginia.
  • Education

    Harrison first went to college at Farmers college and then went to Miami University in Ohio. He graduated on June 24, 1852 at the age of 19
  • Marriage #1

    Marriage #1
    He was united in marriage to Caroline Scott in 1853. They later moved to Indiana together.
  • Child #1

    Child #1
    Russell Benjamin Harrison was born, son of Caroline Scott.
  • Law practice

    Law practice
    He had trouble finding work in Indiana at first but he made friends with John L. Robinson who got him a job. Later, in 1855 he formed a law partnership with William Wallace.
  • Child #2

    Child #2
    Mary Harrison Mckee is born, daughter of Caroline Scott. Shortly after her birth, she would've had a sister but the baby died at birth.
  • Supreme Court Reporter

    Supreme Court Reporter
    Benjamin Harrison was elected supreme court reporter in 1860 before joining the Civil War
  • Civil War Service

    Civil War Service
    Benjamin served in the Civil War as brigadier general in 1865.
  • Benjamin Harrison is inaugurated

    Benjamin Harrison is inaugurated
    Benjamin Harrison was inaugurated on March 4, 1889. He became the 23rd president of the United States
  • Johnstown Flood

    Johnstown Flood
    This flood was the worst to hit the U.S. in the 19th century. It happened due to failure of a dam.
  • First Pan-American Conference

    First Pan-American Conference
    The First Pan-American Conference was in 1889 when Benjamin Harriosn was president. This conference laid a foundation for the Inter-American system. Representatives from eighteen states were at the conference.
  • Dependent and Disability Pension Act

    Dependent and Disability Pension Act
    This act provided veterans with pensions who had served for at least 90 days in the Union Military or Naval Forces. They were honorably discharged from service.
  • Sherman Silver Purchase Act

    Sherman Silver Purchase Act
    The Sherman Silver Purchase Act was passed in July of 1890. It said that the U.S. Treasury was to buy 4.5 million ounces of silver every month.
  • Lottery Ticket Ban?

    Lottery Ticket Ban?
    Benjamin Harrison requests to ban lottery tickets being sold by mail. He sends a message to congress to adress this.
  • Anti-lottery Bill

    Anti-lottery Bill
    Benjamin passed the Anti-lottery Bill which outlawed the use of mail for lotteries. This was signed into law in September of 1890.
  • McKinley Tariff

    McKinley Tariff
    Congress passed the McKinley Tariff, expanding the President's power concerning foreign trade.
  • Massacre of Sioux Indians

    Massacre of Sioux Indians
    150-300 Lakota Indians were killed by United States Army troops in southwestern South Dakota. This was a reaction to the Native Americans 'Ghost Dance'.
  • White House is First Wired WIth Electricity

    White House is First Wired WIth Electricity
    Benjamin Harrison was the very first president to use electricity in the White House. He was afraid to touch light switches because he thought he would get electrocuted.
  • New Orleans Lynchings

    New Orleans Lynchings
    The New Orleans Lynchings happened on March 14, 1891. Following the chief of police's murder, a mob of men shot and killed 11 Italian immigrants out of anger from the cop's murder.
  • Tension with Chile

    Tension with Chile
    In October of 1891, American sailors had spit on a picture of a hero from Chile. This caused commotion, fighting, and two deaths. Most of the people involved were arrested.
  • Letter to Congress

    Letter to Congress
    Harrison sends a letter to congress about the Chile attack was uncalled for and brutal.
  • Harrison decides to run again

    Harrison decides to run again
    Harrison wants to run for president for a second time.
  • Steel Workers vs. Pinkerton Workers

    Steel Workers vs. Pinkerton Workers
    Steel workers were on strike in 1892, but workers for Pinkerton had come to bust the strike. The steel workers and Pinkertons begin to fight, causing the death of 7 Pinkertons and 9 workers. Militiamen were then sent to keep Pinkertons safe.
  • Steel Strike Turns Violent

    Steel Strike Turns Violent
    In Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, there was a strike going on for steel workers. On July 11, 1892 the strike took a turn and 30 men were killed
  • Benjamin goes back to Indianapolis

    Benjamin goes back to Indianapolis
    After losing the re-elcetion in 1888, Benjamin went back to his law practice in Indianapolis.
  • Harrison Leaves Office

    Harrison Leaves Office
    Benjamin Harrison's term ended on March 4, 1893.
  • Grover Cleaveland is Inaugurated

    Grover Cleaveland is Inaugurated
    Benjamin Lost the re-election to Grover Cleveland and Cleveland was inaugurated in March of 1893
  • Marriage #2

    Marriage #2
    On April 6, 1896 Benjamin was united in marriage with Mary Dimmick harrison. They were married until he died in 1901.
  • Child #3

    Child #3
    Elizabeth Harrison Walker was born in 1987, about a year after Harriosn's second marriage. She was Mary Dimmick Harrison's Daughter.
  • Death

    Benjamin Harriosn died on March 19, 1901 from complications with pnuemonia.