
Australian voting rights

By lpope2
  • Eureka Stockade

    Eureka Stockade
    In 1854 the miners protested about their rights. The protest turned into a rebellion and the miners were granted the right to vote.
  • Women Gain the Right to Vote

    Women Gain the Right to Vote
    In 1880's the women's suffrage movement gained momentum and then in 1894 women gained the right to vote
  • Federation of Australia

    Federation of Australia
    In 1901 Australia becomes a nation with a federal government to govern it
  • Compulsory Voting

    Compulsory Voting
    To create a fairer vote turnout, the federal government made it compulsory to vote for people the age pf 21 and over.
  • Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islanders allowed to vote

    Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islanders allowed to vote
    After much campaigning for votes for Aboriginal and Torres Stright islanders, in 1973 they were granted the right to vote
  • Age to Vote Lowered

    Age to Vote Lowered
    During the 1960's and 70's younger people (18,19,20) believed that as there were paying taxes and working, they deserved a vote.