• Mar 1, 1493

    Spanish conquistadors brought horses to America

    Spanish conquistadors brought horses to America
    horsesHorses arent native to america they were brought up from Mexico and other hispanic countries.
  • John came to America

  • Mayflower landed on plymouth rock

    Mayflower landed on plymouth rock
    mayflowerThe pilgrims came to America and landed on plymouth rock.
  • whites braught plaig

  • Pilgrims and indians fight rival tribe

  • Pocahontas

    pocahontasPocahontas was a native american who led Louis and clark on their expedition.
  • Whaling

    WhalingWhaling was huge back in the 17th, 18th, and even 19th century, they used whale oil for everything from lamps to massive belts used in factorys.
  • British tax wine colonist take ship

  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre was basically just a street fight between British soldiers and colonists. The colonists were taunting and throw snow balls and other objcts at troops
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    boston tea partyDue to Britain tryin to tax us on tea, the colonist snuck onto a British ship and threw all there tea over board
  • Paul revere midnight ride

    Paul revere midnight ride
    Paul RevereHe was an express rider on his way to lexington to give Samuel Adams and John Hancock a letter, warning them of british troops.
  • Daniel morgan leading rebel army

    Daniel morgan leading rebel army
    dan He led the rebel army and also was in charge of many militia's.
  • British on staton island

  • Declaration Created

    Declaration Created
    DeclarationThe Declaration of independence was created by Thomas Jefferson and many other deligates from the conference.
  • Warships open fire on New York City

    Warships open fire on New York City
    NYBritish ships opened fire on New York but the colonist defeated them and drove them off.
  • retreat on broadway

    retreat on broadway
    Retreat on broadwayIt's also know as the battle of Harlem Heights, and the American colonist pushed the british out of Manhatten
  • General Burgoyne surrenders

    General Burgoyne surrenders
    surrenderGeneral Burgoyne surrendered at Saratoga, New York. Following many grusome and fierce battles
  • small pox show up

    small pox show up
    smallpoxSmall pox was never in America until it was brought over from Europe where it was an epidemic
  • Valley Forge

    Valley Forge
    Valley forgeThe continental army led by General George Washington got stranded at valley forge with very little supplies and rations, barely made it through the rough winter.
  • captured British baracks at yorktown

  • Power Loom

    Power Loom
    power loomEdmund Cartwright was the first to patent the power loom and started a factory in England, once U.S had them it was huge boom for cotton indusrty and put alot of women to work
  • Washington inagurated as President

    Washington inagurated as President
    washingtonGeorge Washinton was the first president of the united states, he was inaugurated on April 30th of 1789.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    ginThe cotton gin was a machine that was used to sperate the seeds from the good cotton fiber and was invented by Eli Whitney.
  • around quarter million slaves in America

  • Jefferson buys Louisiana territory

    Jefferson buys Louisiana territory
    purchase The biggest land contract between to nations was the louisiana purchase from France for about 15 million dollars.
  • Lewis and Clark expedition

    Lewis and Clark expedition
    lewis n clarkLewis and Clark were to chosen to lead an expedition into the louisiana territory to chart the land and make maps
  • Steamboats on Mississippi

    Steamboats on Mississippi
    steamboatsBefore they invented steamboats farmers would have to build a flat boat to transport goods down river to sell and walk back home. Now there are powered boats that can go against water current.
  • Milk sickness strikes

    Milk sickness strikes
    milkMilk sickness was a terrible epidemic that struck back in 1818, in Kentucky, Ohio, and even in Indiana. Probobly the most famous case of milk sickness was Nancy Hanks, Abraham Lincoln's mom.
  • Jed smith fur trapping

    Jed smith fur trapping
    jedJedediah Smith was a man of many accomplishments. He led many western expansion expeditions and was mostly know for trapping beaver. He had worked out a deal to where he could trapp all the beaver he wanted to in upper Missouri.
  • Erie canal

    Erie canal
    canalThe Erie Canal was a great accomplishment for our naton it linked the Atlantic Ocean with the Great lakes allowing ships to bring goods that far into the country.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    indiansIt was part of Andrew Jacksons indian removal policy, made them leave all land east of Mississippi. On the trail the Cherokee people lost around 4000 of the 15000 in the tribe.
  • The Alamo

    The Alamo
    alamoRemember the Alamo. What a great line and at the Alamo was a battle between Mexico and The U.S. for power over Texas
  • Frederick Douglass

    Frederick Douglass
    fredFrederick Douglass was one of the fisrt and most know African Americans to learn to read and write. He eventually escaped from his owner at the age of twenty by impersonating a sailor.
  • Morris Code and the Telegraph

    Morris Code and the Telegraph
    codeMorris code was a means of communication back then, using dots and dashes the could transmit messages over great distance through wires linking stations together. Played big role in helping us win the was by being able to relay messages from Washingto DC to the where the battle was actually going on.
  • migration to west

    migration to west
    donnerThere were many westward migrations to discover new land and live better lives. The most famous was the Donner Party on there way through Utah and Nevada, thought they were taking a faster route through the Mountains but ended up getting snowed in. The only way for any of them to survive was to become cannibals, so they started eating each other.
  • Gold Rush

    Gold Rush
    goldThe California fold rush of 1848 was a huge boom time for California. Hundreds of thousands of people cam to California to become part of this great opportunity of wealth.
  • fugative slave Act

    fugative slave Act
    Also known as the Compromise of 1850, let slave owners track down any runaway slaves in anystate and bring them back into slavery.
  • Uncle Toms Cabin

  • First safe elevator

    First safe elevator' >all about skyscrapers</a>
    Elisha Otis invented the first safe elevator and the brake that would stop the elevator if the cable were to snapp. It made it possible to build up, skyscrapers, not out and get up without walking.
  • John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry

    John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry
    harpThe raid in Hrpers Ferry was led by John Brown, him, his sons, and a few others raided the U.S. Federal Arsenal. They planned on stealing all the weapons freeing the slaves, arming them to help free them.
  • The Underground Railroad

    The Underground Railroad
    rrrrThe underground railroad was a system of houses, where runnaway slaves could stop and hide or rest on there way to freedom.
  • Rail Roads used in war

    Rail Roads used in war
    rr cwRail roads were essential to the North during the Civil war. They used it to ship everything from food and weapons to people down to the south where the battle was taking place.
  • Boom Period

    Production of clothing, patents, and big industry all doubled in the north during the civil war.
  • Lincoln elected President

    Lincoln elected President
    lincolnLincoln was elected president on Nov 6, 1860. He di alot of great things for our developing nation and gave us many important documents such as the Emancipation Proclomation.
  • Clara Barton battlefield nurse

    Clara Barton battlefield nurse
    claraClara Barton was a battlefield nurse back in 1861, she later bacame the founder of the American Red Cross.
  • Battlefield postal serice during civil war

    Battlefield postal serice  during civil war
    postalThey eventually came up with a battlefield postal service, which allowed troops to mail letters to their families with easily.
  • Minie Ball

    Minie Ball
    minie The minie ball was critical for accuracy in the battlefield. it allowed to ball to travel much farther at greater speeds, they also did alot more damage.
  • Homestead Act

    Homestead Act
    govIt gave federal land grants to settlers moving out west. Wasnt taking into affect until 1862.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    procThe emancipation proclomation was a very important document given to us by Abraham Lincoln, it freed the slaves and ended slavery.
  • LIncoln offers south to rejoin the union

    LIncoln offers south to rejoin the union
    rejoin Lincoln offers confederate states to rejoin the union and end the war, the south turns him down.
  • Gettysburg Address

    Gettysburg Address
    address The Gettysburg Address was an event that happened during civil war giving by Abraham Lincoln.
  • Started using embalming fluid

    Started using embalming fluid
    fluidThey started using embalming fluid to help preserve the bodies and keep them from decaying.
  • Transcontinental Railroad

  • Joseph Glidden invents barbed wire

  • Varnagy's steel production

    Varnagy's steel production
    steelVarnagy figured out a way to make steel much faster nand cheaper than the previous way they used to make steel
  • Thomas Edison invents the lightbuld

    Thomas Edison invents the lightbuld
    bulb Thomas Edison invented the lightbulb, electicity. there were many of power plants built because of him and designed by him.
  • Standard Time is born

  • Statue of Liberty

    Statue of Liberty
    libertyThe statue of liberty was a gift to the U.S. from France as a Representation of freedom.
  • Buffalo Depleting

    Buffalo Depleting
    buffaloOnly 85 buffalo left in the U.S. do to hunting them for there meat and pelt.
  • Mugshot

    rogueMugshots all started back in 1890 when the Rogues ggallary used pictures to help identify wanted people.
  • Jacob Riis

    Jacob Riis
    riisWrote how the other half lives, he was a polllitcal cartoonist who had alot to do with helpin find and help the slums. he also inveted flash, so you can take pictures in the dark
  • Indian reservation

    Indian reservation
    reservationDo to population growth and the need for more room and resources the American Colonists forced Indians to relocate to reservations.
  • Half pop. of Nebraska go back east

  • Colonel George Wary cleans up NY

    Colonel George Wary cleans up NY
    clean George Wary was probably the biggest push for cleaning up NewYork. he headed all kinds of street cleaning crews and set sanitation.
  • Sears catalog

    Sears catalog
    searsSears catalog first started out rather small mostly with watches and jewelry, as time went on it grew and partnered up with Roebuck.
  • skyscrapers fill the sky

    skyscrapers fill the sky
    skyBy 1902 Manhatan had over 65 skyscrapers being built, no room to build out so build up.
  • Air conditioning

    Air conditioning
    air Air conditioning was in vented in 1902 to beat the heat and humidity. It made it easier to live in hot places such as desert and caused more people to move there
  • Infrastructure improved

    Infrastructure improved
    sewerAll of the larger cities in America now have sewer systems to dispose of waste. It helped tramendously and kept alot of people from getting sick.
  • triangle shirtwaist fire

    triangle shirtwaist fire
    Triangle shirtwaist The triangle shirt waist fire was a horrible tragety that happened back before fire codes were up to date. Many young women losy their live from either the fire or jumping from the nineth floor windows.
  • Assembly line

    Assembly line
    ford In 1913 Henry Ford came up with the idea of the assembly line. It made him able to mass produce cars cheaper and faster than ever.
  • LA Aqueduct

    LA Aqueduct
    water The Los Angeles Aquaduct made it possible for people to live in desert and other dry places in the region. It brought water for hundreds of miles from a lake in the mountains.
  • Prohibition

    proh Prohibition was passed to bann alcohal completely from the U.S. It made it illegal to produce, posses, and even consume.
  • Red Summer

    Red Summer
    <ahref='' >race</a> The Red summer was the summer of 1919 in Chicago, there were many race riots. A black boy on the beach was also killed by some white men throwing rocks.
  • Ballistics

    godard Calvin Goddard one of first to use ballstics and bullet comparision.
  • Oscar Depriest

    Oscar Depriest
    oscar He was the first ever black congressman back in 1928.
  • St. Valentine's Day Massacre

    St. Valentine's Day Massacre
    al capAl Capone was one of the biggest mobsters back in the 20s and 30s, he headed many of the illegal operations had some guys dress up as cops and unload on other mobsters.
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    depre The Great depression was a time in history when the united states was deaply in debt. It took WWII to bring us out of our slump and get back on track.
  • Stock market crash

    Stock market crash
    bank The stock market crashed back in 1929 because of men taking bank runs and selling all there stock and withdrawling all of there money from bank.
  • Bank of U.S. collapse

    Bank of U.S. collapse
    bank The Bank of the United States collapsed due to bank runs and the bank spending money they didn't have.
  • Al Capone guilty

    Al Capone guilty
    capone They attempted many time to put Capone away, but could never pin anything on him. So they finally got him on tax evasion
  • Dust Storm hits New York

    Dust Storm hits New York
    storm The Dust bowl's storm would get so big and pick up so much sand and dirt that would reach to New york and Boston.
  • Radio connects all over the world

    Radio connects all over the world
    radio Radio finally connects the world. You can now listen to the same radio announcement as other people in other countries.
  • Black Sunday

    Black Sunday
    dust Black Sunday was one of the worst dust storms and stretched for miles, The worst probably struck Colorado and effected many peoples lifes and forced people to leave there homes.
  • Diverting the Colorado

    Diverting the Colorado
    colorado The Colorado river had to be diverted so that the river bed could dry up and they could begin work on the dam. They had to carve and blast a tunnel through 3 miles of rock.
  • Hoover Dam

    Hoover Dam
    damThe Hoover Dam was built to supply power to Nevada, mostly Los Vegas. Largest concrete structure.
  • Joe Louis Vs. Schmeling

    Joe Louis Vs. Schmeling
    joeJoe louis an African American from the united states boxed against Max Schmeling from Germany. They fought once and max won but they had rematch and Joe tore him up.
  • The Jeep

    The Jeep
    jeep The jeep was first designed and made by Bantam, which was baught out by Willy's who produced the army jeep
  • Mt. Rushmore

    Mt. Rushmore
    rushmore Mt Rushmore was started in 1927 took 14v yrs to complete. It stood 60 ft tall a cost a million dollars to complete.
  • The Japanese Zero

    The Japanese Zero
    zero The Japanese zero was the japs best plane used during WWII, could fly 2,000 miles on a tank of gas.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    pearl That day in December no one in America ever expected the Japanese to Bomb our Naval base.
  • Bombing railway yard

    Bombing railway yard
    yard We took B17 bombers over to France and destroyed German railways and supplies.
  • D-day

    d day We stormed the beaches of Normandy, France and captured there baracks and that was key to winning the war.
  • The end of WWII

    The end of WWII
    war World war two ended in 1945, they signed a peace treaty and the war was ended
  • Manhattan Project

    Manhattan Project
    bomb The project was actually the united states attempting to make the biggest bomb known to man at that time. Invented by Albert Einstein.
  • Bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    japs bomb We dropped Atomic bombs on two Japanese cities that destroyed everything withinn a mile.
  • Japan Surrenders

    Japan Surrenders
    <ahref='' >surrender</a> The Japanese surrender due to such great devastation in their country. Cities destroyed, food shortages, and oil shortages.
  • Hollywoodland

    hollywood They changed the name and the sign on the hill in Hollywoodland just to Hollywood.
  • Levittown

    levo Was the first suburb built, eventually there was 3 different Levittowns. Low cost housing quick and easy to build.
  • U.S production up

    U.S production up
    car After the war it was boom time for us. Back then the United states was producing more than 80% of the worlds automobiles.
  • Interstate highway

    Interstate highway
    highway They came up with a system of roads that would all link togetheer and could get you from one side of country all the way to other much faster and easier.
  • Cuban Missile crisis

    Cuban Missile crisis
    crisis Was a time in U.S. when everyone was paranoid about a nuclear attack, people were ready for dooms day bomb shelters and all.
  • MLK I have a Dream

    MLK I have a Dream
    mlk MLk jr. was a black man who played a huge role in the getting blacks to be equal.
  • Apollo 11 went to moon

    Apollo 11 went to moon
    apollo In 61 JFK within a decade they will have reached the moon and just 8 yrs later we made it.
  • 51 million guns in Texas

  • Spindletop

    oilThe Hamel Brothers drilled for oil at spindletop, found the largest oil deposite at the time. they had a new technigue of drilling allowed them to drill deeper much faster.
  • Women could work

    Women could work
    workDuring war all men able to were already over seas at war, so women had to run the country back home. They worked in factories, offices, government jobs.
  • George Donor and The Donor Pass