atomic time line

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    Aristotle came up with the method of gathering scientific facts, which proved as the basis for all scientific work
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    Who Discovered The Atom

    The discoverer of the atom was a man by the name of Democritus. He stated that all matter was made up of atoms. And that atoms are eternal and invisible. They also cant be divided.
  • The Formula For Conservation Of Matter

    n 1777, a man named Lavoisier, of France, provided that formula for conservation of matter. This formula told how to distinguish an element from a compound.
  • The Coulomb's Law

    In 1780's, a man named Couloumb formulated the Coulomb's law. This law states that force between two electrical charges is proportional to the poduct of the charges. In other words, Force is is equaled to the product of two charged atoms.
  • John Dalton

    John Dalton pictures atoms as indestructible particles with no internal structure.
  • Crooke's Tube

    In 1870, a man named Crookes invented a tube that produced cathode rays. This Demonstrated that cathode rays travel in straight lines. This proved that they produce phosphorescence. And when they strike certain materials they produce heat.
  • xray

    French physicist who while investigating fluorescence in uranium salts discovered radioactivity that is like x-rays but unlike x-rays could be deflected by a magnetic field so it must consist of charged particles also known as atoms.
  • Ernest Rutherford

    New Zealander states that and atom has a dense positively charged nucleus.
  • Neils Bohr

    He applies quantum theory to Rutherford's atomic structure by assuming that electrons travel in stationary orbits defined by their angular momentum.
  • Louis de Broglie

    He proposed that electrons could behave as waves under some conditions.
  • Erwin Schrodinger

    He determined how to find the probability for where the electron is in an atom.
  • The Neutron.

    Chadwick discovered the neutrally charged particle. It was named the Neutron
  • Nuclear Fission

    In Germany, a man named Otto hahn, discovered that by spliting the nucleus of an atom in to two nuclei it causes a Nuclear Fission
  • USA

    Glen T. Seaborg of USA, identified some elements that are heavier than uranium

    Murray Gell-Mann and George Zweig, brought forth an amazing discovery. They found little particles called Quarks. They said that they were little bits of matter. These little bits of matter were like building blocks for complex chemical substances.