
Atomic Theory Timeline

By GehrQAZ
  • 400


    Around 400 B.C. Demoncritus, a Greek philosipher, came up with the theory that small partices make up all matter. These small particles will be called atoms. Some think of him as "The Father of Modern Science". He was kind of the first guy to come up with an atomic theory. more about Democritus
  • John Dalton

    John Dalton
    John Dalton was a British scientists and school teacher. He reintroduced the concept of atoms with his own evidence to support this new idea. He had the idea that all matter is made up of invisible and indestructable atoms. His atomic model is named the Billiard Ball Model or Hard Sphere. More about John Dalton
  • J.J. Thomson

    J.J. Thomson
    Came up with the Plum Pudding Model. He thought there were positive and negative particles tightly packed together. The postive particles are known as protons. The negative particles became electrons.
  • Ernst Rutherford

    Ernst Rutherford
    He was one of J.J. Thomsons students, so he knew a lot about his work. He determind the structure of an atom. He also changed one element to another by splitting the nucleus. More about Ernst Rutherford
  • Neils Bohr

    Neils Bohr
    Bohrs model is used to demonstrate the shapes of atoms. There are other models that we use today though. His model is known as the Planetary Model.More about Niels Bohr
  • Atomic Theory today

    Atomic Theory today
    Today there are many scientists with many many atomic theories.