200px stylised lithium atom

Atomic theory timeline

  • Jan 1, 1400


    He made this theory in 400 b.c Thought that all things were made of tiny, invisible, indestructible particles, called atoms (now known as the Atomic Theory) He also thought atoms varied in size, shape and weight
  • Jan 1, 1400


    Made his atomic theory in 400 BC. He discovered the atom. He said that the atoms are in the smallest form of an element. That can be divide into the same substance.
  • Dalton

    He started talking about the Atomic Theory in 1803. The Atomic Theory stated that all matter is composed of small indivisible particles termed atoms, that atoms given of element possesses unique characteristics and weight, and finally, that there are 3 types of atoms. They are simple, compound and complex.
  • Thomson

    Thomson discovered electrons. By doing the high- vaccum cathode-ray tube, which there was evidence of bodies much smaller than atoms. He calculated it as having alarge value for the charge-to-mass ratio. He next decovered the postitive and negitive charges.
  • Rutherford

    He did a test to show that most of the mass is in the center of the nucleus. Rutherford's experiment was to see what particles went through the gold foil. He realized that some particles went through the gold foil and deflected off the screen. Thats wehn he discovered the nucleus
  • Bohr

    He discovered you could only move from the fixed orbits of certain energy. The more energythe electron had the further away the electron would be from the nucleus so the electron that had the least amount of energy would be closer to the nucleus.
  • Schrodinger and Heisenberg

    Schrodinger and Heisenberg
    They both came up with different things. Heisenberg came up with uncertainty principle. Schrodinger came up with the equation thats really diffult to solve. Both of there knowledge got put together to see that the energies are quantized. And that the orbitals are associated with the energy and will determine where electrons are located. At the end of all there research they ended with the electron cloud which is the layer surrounding the nucleus.