Atomic Theory

  • 460

    Democritus Theory

    He asked: Could matter be divided into smaller and smaller pieces forever, or was there a limit to the number of times a piece of matter culd be divided. Democritus called atoms "atomos". 460-370 BC
  • Dalton Theory

    Theory to Dalton: all matter made of atoms indivisible and indestructible.
    *all atoms of a given element are identical in mass and properties.
    *compounds are formed by a combination of two or more different kinds of atoms.
    *a chemical reactio is a rearrangemnt of atoms.
  • Thomson Theory

    thomson thory suggested that the atom is not indivisible and was apart of smaller pieces-- electrons and protons.
    *atoms consist of a spear of positive charge with negative charge embed. THE PLUM PUDDING
  • MAX PLANCK theory

    MAX PLANCK theory
    Devised a theory that perfectly described the experimental evidence but a new idea apperared. The theory was that energy did not flow in a steady continuum, but it was delivered in discrete packets Planck later called quanta. A quantum is the minimum amount of any physical entity involved in an interaction. (
  • Rutherford Theory

    Rutherford thought the atom must have almost all of its mass concentrated at its center, in a nucleus, with the vast majority of the atom conssting chiefly of empty space. MODEL/ GOLD FOIL EXPERIMENT
  • Bohr Theory

    REFINED RUTHFORD'S MODEL in 1913 proposing that electrons orbit the nucleus without losing energy and could only move in fixed orbits of specific energies. MODEL: QUANTUM MODEL OF THE ATOM
  • Louis de Broglie Theory

    Louis suggested the light electrons could act as both particles and waves. His hypothesis confirmed in experiments showed electron beams could be defracted or bent as passed through a slit as light could do. TESTED THE BOHR MODEL
  • Werner Heisenberg

    Theory: you must shine a wave legth of light on it that's smaller than the electron light. MODEL WAS QUANTUM MECHANICS
  • Erwin Schrodinger Theory

    Erwin derived a set of equations or wave functions in 1926 for electrons. According to him, electrons confindedin their orbits would set up standing waves, and you could describe only the probibility of where the electron could be. TOOK, AND TESTED IDEAS DEVELOPED BY DE BROGLIE
  • Chadwick Theory

    This theory identified the neutron, found out the particle proposed about Rutherford as significant mass and no charge. COLLABORATOR OF RUTHERFORD
  • MAX PLANCK resigned

    MAX PLANCK resigned
    in 1937, Max Planck resigned his post as President of the Kaiser Wihelm Institute in protest of the Nazi's actions against Jewish scientists.