Atom Timeline ~ Jakyriah Robins & Rico Loyell

  • Period: 300 to

    Atomic Timeline

  • 340

    Aristole 340 BC

    Aristole 340 BC
    Did not believe atomic theory. He believed all materials on Earth were not made of stoms just the four elements, Earth , fire, water , and air. He was taught this theory by his father.
  • 460

    Democritus 460 BC

    Democritus 460 BC
    Created first atomic model and hypothsized that atoms can not be destroyed, difffer in size, shape and temperature, and are always moving. He got this theory from his mentor Leucippus.
  • Dalton 1803

    Dalton 1803
    He believed all matter is composed of atoms. Different elements have different types of atoms. He based his theory off of others.
  • Thomson

    He discovered that all atoms consists of a sphere of positive charge with electron embedded in it. He experimented with a crooker or cathode ray tube.
  • Bohr

    He explained what happens inside an atom. He came up with this theory by combining Rutherford's descripyion of the nucleus and Planck's theory about quanta.
  • Rutherford

    He discovered that the mass of the atom was spread out throughout the atom. He used his gold foil experiment.
  • Heisenburg and Schrodinger

    Heisenburg and Schrodinger
    Heinsenburg came up with the quantum mechanical atomic model which shows the orbitals around the nucleus in constant motion , based off of Louis de Brogile's work.
    Schrodinger realized that there are many things about atoms which cannot be exactly determined or calculated.