ART 623: Aesthetics - Gothic/Medievil Art

  • Jan 1, 1150

    Château de Blain Gargoyle

    Château de Blain Gargoyle
    The estate is a model of Gothic form; yet, it is the decorative gargoyles that are the highligh of the gothic design and public ideal. The interesting thing about this estate is that the gargoyles are so differnt: shapes, styles and cultures.
  • Jan 1, 1150

    Codex Gigas

    Codex Gigas
    The Codex Gigas is commonly called "The Devil's Bible" for the large drawing of a devil. It is one of the largest books in the world at three feet tall and nearly two feet wide and eight inches thick. the caligraphy and typeset/drawings are traditional gothic foilio style.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1150 to Jan 1, 1510

    Gothic Style

    An exploration of Gothis style from the early gothic to late gothic as seen in architecture, fresco, sculpture, and folio.
  • Jan 1, 1163

    Notre Dame de Paris

    Notre Dame de Paris
    The Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris is classic Gothic architecture with the Gargoyles and arches but the ideal design emits from the use of the style in relation to religious context. Construction begain in 1163 and was completed in 1345. It is not very original today as several riots and vadals have forced renovations.
  • Jan 1, 1185

    Lincoln Cathedral - England

    Lincoln Cathedral - England
    This shows the traditional motifs of the gothic cathedral inclusing the Rose window, much like Notre Dame. the church began construction in 1185 and was completed in 1311. It is famous becuase of the use of an imp instead of traditional gothic gargoyles.
  • Jan 1, 1194

    Chartres Cathedral - France

    Chartres Cathedral - France
    The Chartres Cathedral is located in Chartres, France. It exemplifies the French gothic form along with the Rose Window on the west face. It was spared destruction in World War II. It was originally design as Romanesque but was chenged to Gothic. It was completed in 1220.
  • Jan 1, 1225

    Beauvais Cathedral

    Beauvais Cathedral
    The Beauvais Cathedral is located in Beauvais, France. It was built between 1225 and it was technically never completed. Cnstruction of a tower in the 16th century would have made it the tallest tower in the world, but it collapsed. The base design is traditional gothic with flying buttresses and a releativly boxy cofiguration.
  • Jan 1, 1280

    Erwin - Strasbourg Cathedral Portal

    Erwin - Strasbourg Cathedral Portal
    This is the main entrance to the Strasbourg Cathedral, designed by Erwin of Steinbach, but it was subjected to many renovations. the entrance is uniqie as it displays the saits and Mary, mother of Jesus, along with decorative angels and mutiple representations fo Jesus' life.
  • Jan 1, 1306

    The Nativity by Giotto

    The Nativity by Giotto
    A fresco painting that shows the birth of Christ at the nativity scene. It was started in 1304 and completed in 1306. It is claimed to be a proto-Renaissance by some and Gothic by others becuase of its link to religious scenary..
  • Jan 1, 1316

    Rheinstein Castle

    Rheinstein Castle
    BUilt during the gothic period, this German castle looks like a traditional style, much different that the cathedrals. It was built in 1316 but after renovations were done in the 19th century the interior was brandished with a neo-gothic chapel and crypt to align itself with the period it was built.
  • Jan 1, 1320

    Hours of Jeanne d'Evreux, by Jean Pucelle, Paris

    Hours of Jeanne d'Evreux, by Jean Pucelle, Paris
    The "Book of Hours" is a gothic style book created by a wife of King Charles the IV fo France, Jean Pucelle. It was created between 1324 and 1328 and displsy the gothic stlye seen in gothic folios. Unlike the Codex Gigas this book is tiny, only 3 5/8 x 2 7/16 inches makes the detail very intracate.'Evreux
  • Jan 1, 1365

    Pietà of San Remigio

    Pietà of San Remigio
    Thi is a wood based painting made about 1360-1365. Itwas part fo the church of San remingo, but it has been moved several times. It represents the ideal of international gothic and displays the death od Christ.
  • Jan 1, 1375

    Giusto de' Menabuoi, Paradise, Padua Baptistry's frescoed dome

    Giusto de' Menabuoi, Paradise, Padua Baptistry's frescoed dome
    A ceiling painting of Paradice by Giusto de Menabuci. it s the domed ceiling of th Padua Baptistry. It could be based off of Dante's Dinve Comedy as it has heaven based around Christ.'_Menabuoi
  • Jan 1, 1375

    Peter Parler - Madonna and Child

    Peter Parler - Madonna and Child
    Made between1375-1380 and currently located in Warsaw, this shows a classic vision of Mary and Baby Jesus. This is the work of Peter Parler who was the mast mason for St. Vitus Cathedral and did many versions of the Madonna. this peice was once in the St. Vitus but moved later to the National Museum.
  • Jan 1, 1375

    Master of the Berswordt Altar

    Master of the Berswordt Altar
    Made arbout 1375 to 1400, the Master of the Berswordt Altar is found in Dortmund by a german painter. There are many version of The Decent from the cross - this si unique becuase of its simplictic rendition and the gothic style similar tot he folios of the canon.
  • Jan 1, 1377

    Ulmer Münster Cathedral

    Ulmer Münster Cathedral
    Ulm Minster was the tallest building in the world for 11 years. It was built between 1377 to 1890, but it maintained the original gothic style. It survived World War II with almost no damage while the town around it was dstroyed. It's spire is a classic motif of gothic design, as well as the traditional arches inside.
  • Jan 1, 1386

    Milano Duomo

    Milano Duomo
    The Milano Cathedral, or Duomo, is located in Milan, Italy. It was built between 1386 and 1965. Over the course fo a 600 year construction it maintained the gothic design of the box structure adorned wtih traditional spires, carvings and religious iconography. it took 78 architects and engineers to oversee the construction due to its extended construction and events that slowed/stopped work.
  • Jan 1, 1450

    Jacomart - The Last Supper,from the Cathedral of Segorbe.

    Jacomart - The Last Supper,from the Cathedral of Segorbe.
    A painting of the Last Supper that breaks from the traditional horizontal table, placing them at a round table. It is located at the Cathedral of Segorbe. The painter, Jacosmart, or Jamie baco, is relatively unknown. this is arguably a blen od gothic and early Netherland paitings.
  • Jan 1, 1456

    Jaume Huguet - Archangel Michael

    Jaume Huguet - Archangel Michael
    A painting by Jaume Huguet that shows the archangel Michael. The gothic style is highlighted in the slight variation of realism from portraits fo the renaissance. Religious iconography was common in Huguet's owrk.
  • Jan 1, 1499

    Luca Signorelli The Damned Cast into Hell

    Luca Signorelli The Damned Cast into Hell
    A later example og Gothic fresco, this work, spanning 23 feet, shows the damned cast into hell. the style is coherant with the early gothic fresco and art, as well as the style seen in gothic folios. Located in Italy, this shows the reach of the gothic style across Europe.
  • Jan 1, 1510

    Daniel Mauch - Holy Family

    Daniel Mauch - Holy Family
    This painted carving comes around the end of the Gothic era. It maintains the style fo gothic form, being just shy or realism, and the gothic coloration. it was done between 1510 and 1515 currently sits in the Bavarian National Museum. Sadly, I could not find much about the work or about Mauch.