Sumner Cold War Timeline

  • NATO

    Canada, the Unied States and ten other countries formed the Northern Atlantic Treaty Organization(NATO). The purpose was to to help eachother if they got attacked since tenions were growing in the cold war.
  • Korean Confict

    Korean Confict
    Both leaders of North and South Korea wanted control over the whole of Korea. Still divided by the 38th Paralell the South was over-run by North Korean Troops in the summer. That same fall South Korea pushed back and gain more land then they had before with the help from the UN. Thy were pushed back once more by Northern forces in Early Winter but before 1953 was over there was a ceasefire at the 38th parallel. :)
  • Chinese Civil War

    After World War 2 Chinese Communists had taken much control of northern China. Headed by Mao Zedong thy fought a civil war against the Nationalists and won. They set up the Peoples Republic of China as the defeated Nationalists fled to the islands.
  • Nuclear Arms Race and Detente

    The Unted States was the only country with Nuclear weapons but by 1953 the Soviet Union also had develoed these weapons. Also both sides had develpoend hydrogen bombs. Americans and the Soviets made an agreement to relax tensions called Detente. This ended in 1979 hen the Soveit Union invaded Afganistan.
  • Warsaw Pact

    In 1955 the Warsaw Pact was created including the Soviet Union and seven other countries as a respons to the NATO forming. The east were the Soviet dominated countries while the west were western democrcies led by the united States.
  • Communist Cuba and the MissleCrisis

    Fidel Castro organized an armed rebellion in the 50's against the dictator of Cuba. By 1959 his army was victorious and communism was the way of life there. In 1962 the Soviet Union sent Nuclear missles to Cuba. Kennedy responded by blockading Soviet shiments until the missles were removed from Cuba. The Soviets agreed.
  • berlin wall

    In 1961 th Berlin wall wasbuilt to seal off west Germany from east Germany made from massive concrete blocks with barbed wire that was patrolled by guards. This was made to stop people from crossing over from the communism side to the more "free" side.
  • Period: to

    Vietnam Conflict

    Northern Vietnam forces attacked an American ship thinking it was the South and Congress then passed a resolution for action to be taken on North Vietnam. The U.S then began bombing the North and eventully more then 500,000 troops were comitted to the war.The guerilla warefare was hard on American troops and many Americans oposed this war but eventully in 1973 the Paris Peace Acord was established and there was a ceasefire.
  • Soviets in Afganistan

    The Soviet Union became involved in a long war in Afganistan when warlords took up arms against the government. The battled the musslim warriors for many years and won.