
Werner Heisenberg

  • The birth of Werner Heisenberg

    The birth of Werner Heisenberg
    Werner Karl Heisenberg was born December 5th 1901 in Wurzburg, Germany. He was born to Dr. August Heisenberg and Annie Wecklein. An interesting thing to note is that his father became a professor of the middle and modern Greek languages. The influence from his fathers knowledge in greek languages helped change the name of a particle discovered by a Japanese physicist named Yukawa. The particle now known as meson was coined from the previous mesotron, the Greek word had no tr in it thus meson.
  • Major contributions to Science

    Major contributions to Science
    Heisenberg is most well known for his theory of quantum mechanics which was published in 1925 when he was at the young age of just twenty-three years old. This theory along with applying it, proved instrumental in the discovery of allotropic forms of hydrogen. This led to Heisenberg being awarded the Nobel prize for physics.
    MLA style: Werner Heisenberg – Biographical. Nobel Media AB 2018. Tue. 27 Nov 2018.
  • Fantastic Explanation of Heisenberg uncertainty principle

    Fantastic Explanation of Heisenberg uncertainty principle
    Follow this link to a fantastic video about Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.
    After watching this short video it gives one quite a fantastic understanding in a very illustrative way along with being straight forward and to the point.
  • The death of Werner Heisenberg

    The death of Werner Heisenberg
    The unfortunate thing about the human condition is that currently there is an expiration date and with that we have lost a fantastic man of Science. The amazing thing about Science though is the fact that his theories will live on beyond his time and mine. This is one of the most extraordinary things about Science and that is being honoured in death and having something of yours live on. It should also be pointed out that before he passed on he and his wife had seven children in Munich.