We didnt start the fire haha

We Didn't Start The Fire

  • Marilyn Monroe

    Marilyn Monroe
    Attempts suicide after death of her friend that asked to marry him over and over ,but she would still say no. Soon later Marlyn would marry oe Dimaggio.
  • Liberace

    Popular television show for his Musical Entertainment.
  • Rock Around The Clock

    Rock Around The Clock
    Hit single released by Bill Halley and his comets.
  • Elvis Presley

    Elvis Presley
    Signed with RCA Records November 12 finally began his pop carrer.
  • Peter Pan

    Peter Pan
    Broadcast on live tv and in color.
  • Disney Land

    Disney Land
    Opens on July 17 as Walt Disney's first theme park.
  • Princess Grace

    Princess Grace
    Releases last film "High Society" and marries Prince Rainer III of Monaco.
  • Chubby Cheeker

    Chubby Cheeker
    Popularizes the dance "The Twist" with his song of the same name.
  • Crack

    Cocaine use surged in the mid-to-lte 1980's.
  • Wheel Of Fortune

    Wheel Of Fortune
    Hit television show since 1983.