We didn't start the fire

We didn't start the fire

  • Period: to

    We didn't start the fire

  • Queen Elizabeth II

    Queen Elizabeth II
    Queen Elizabeth II succeeds to the throne of the U.K. and is crowned the next year
  • Elvis Presley

    Elvis Presley
    Elvis sings with RCA rocords on November 21, beginning his pop career
  • Albert Einstein

    Albert Einstein
    Albert Eistein dies at age 76
  • Disneyland

    Disneyland opens on July 17 as Walt Disney's first theme park
  • James Dean

    James Dean
    James Dean achieves success with East of Edan and Rebel Without Cause and gets nominated for Academy Awards best Actor, dies in car crash on September 30, 1955 at age 24
  • British Beatlemania

    British Beatlemania
    The Beatles, gain Ringo starr drummer, they join EMI's parlophone label. They soon became the Wolrd's most famous rock band with the word Beatlemania adopted by the press for their fans' unprecedented enthusiasm. it also began the British invasion in the United states.
  • Marilyn Monroe

    Marilyn Monroe
    Marilyn Monroe soars in popularity with 5 new movies,she attemps suicide after death of friend Johny Hyde who asked to marry her many times .
  • JFK Blown away

    JFK Blown away
    President John F. Kennedy is assassinated November 2, 1963 while riding in open convertible through Dallas Texas
  • Birth control

    Birth control
    Birth Control in the early 1960's, oral contraceptives popularly known as "The Pill" first go on the market and are extremely popular
  • Crack cocaine

    Crack cocaine
    Crack Cocaine use surged in the mid-to-late 1980's