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The history of lamborghini's

  • Ferruccio lamborghini was born

    Ferruccio lamborghini was born
    Ferruccio lamborghini was born under the zodiac sign of taurus,or the bull.In time ,he became a big fan of bullfighting.He chose a bull for his compny's margue.It's still used today.
  • The name miura became famous

    The name miura bull was famous for killing a famous bull fighter in 1947.
  • Ferruccio started producing tractors

    Ferruccio started producing tractors
    On 1948 Ferruccio lamborghini began producing tractors at the lamborghini trattori factory.
  • Ferruccoio lamborghini started to make air conditionors

    Ferruccio lamborghini started lamborghini calor company to make oil burner,boilers and air conditioners.
  • Ferruccio lamborghini opened a sports car factory

    Ferruccio lamborghini opened a sports car factory
    Ferruccio lamborghini opened a sports car factory in sant' agata bolognese near modeno.
  • Ferruccio lamborghini expanded into hydraulic manufacturing.

    Ferruccio lamborghini expanded into hydraulic valve manufacturing with lamborghini oledinamica.
  • Ferruccio lamborghini started selling of his buisness

    Ferruccio lamorghini started to sell of his buisness and bought a rural estate he named"La Florita",where he devaloped a world-class golf resort and vineyard.
  • Ferruccio lamborghini died

    On febuary 20 1993 ferruccio lamborghini died.
  • Why is the car lamborghini still relevant today?

    Why is the car lamborghini still relevant today?
    It is relevant today because people use it for traveling to unsandy places quiqer.
  • What are some systens and artifacts from the past?

    education,motor companys,cmunication,transport,tecnology,lamborghini,ford, bmw,mecca and bugatti.
  • Thank you

    Thank you
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