The Day of Triffids Timeline by Billy

By C. Nial
  • Birth of Bill Masen

  • Triffids begin to appear around the world.

    Following the shooting down of a plane full of triffid seeds, triffids begin to appear around the world.
  • Bill is blinded by a triffid sting.

    Bill's partner saved Bill from a triffid sting, but Bill still had to stay in the hospital with bandages on his eyes.
  • Meteor Shower

    An enormous meteor shower causes everyone that watches it to go blind. Bob, who is in the hospital with a triffid sting on the eye on the night of the meteor shower, is unable to watch. The next day, he removes his bandages to discover that no one can see. There are suicides and deaths all over the place, and Bob is very troubled.
  • Bill and Josella go to the university.

    Bill and Josella receive the light signal from the people at the University. They go to the conference and gather supplies.
  • Coker and his gang capture Bill

    Coker and his gang fake a fire, and capture Bill and several other University people. Bill is seperated from Josella.
  • Bill returns to the University.

    Bill ditches his dying party, and continues to search for Josella. He fails and goes to the University where he meets Coker.
  • Bill and Coker leave London.

    Bill and Coker leave London to go to Tynsham. They both have guns and trucks by now.
  • Bill and the other four begin searching for Josella and the Beadley people.

    Helicopter searches start somewhere around here, in 1 or 2 days.
  • Bill leaves Beaminster people.

    Bill leaves the Beaminster people and finds Susan, who's brother was killed by a triffid.

    Bill finally finds Josella. That took a long time.
  • David is born

    David is born.
  • Beadley's group goes to that one island.

  • Bill and Josella and the other people go to the Isle of Wight.