
The Absolutely True Diary Of A Part-Time Indian

By anaf1
  • Mr.P

    Junior throws a books at Mr.p and gets suspended. During the converstaion that Mr.p and Junior had made junior want to move to a different school of a differnt race.
  • Junior

    Rowdy and Junior were best friends. They were in the same basketball team in 8th grade.
  • Different Schools

    Different Schools
    Rowdy and junior were really close but when junior told rowdy that he was moving rowdy became his enemy
  • Halloween

    Junior dresses up as a homeless guy and came to the coincidence that penelope was dressed as a homeless girl and spare change and donate it to the homeless.
  • New Friends

    New Friends
    Arnold asks Gordy that if he wants to be friends. They become friends well more like study partners.
  • An Email

    An Email
    Junior recieves a email from his sister talking about that she's almost as good as their grandma.
  • Thanksgiving

    Junior realizes that he misses his best friend Rowdy.He draws him a drawing and delivers it to him. Junior turns around and saw that Rowdy ripped iy
  • Christmas

    Juniors dad gives $5 and made him so happy. Junior appreciates whats his dad nad mom does for him
  • death

    Juniot losses two three important people in his life, his grandmother, sister and his friend Eugene
  • Joins The Team

    Joins The Team
    Junior joins in the basketball team. He plays against hes old school and wins and felt bad for Rowdy becaus ethey lost.