Stephen hawking

Stephen Hawking

  • birth date

    birth date
    Stephen Hawking was born in Oxford, United Kingdom
  • Jane Wilde

    Jane Wilde
    Jane Wilde was maried to stephen hawking from 1965-1995
  • Research

    Stephen Hawking had a passion for science and the sky. At age 21, while studying cosmology at the University of Cambridge, he was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
  • University of Cambridge

    University of Cambridge
    Stephen Hawking went to the University of Cambidge
  • Robert Hawking

    Robert Hawking
    • Robert Hawking birth date may 1967
  • Lucy Hawking

    Lucy Hawking
    • Lucy Hawking born: november 2, 1969
  • Timothy Hawking

    Timothy Hawking
    • Timothy hawking (birth date unknown) year of birth 1979
  • Elaine Mason

    Elaine Mason
    Elain Mason was maried to Stephen Hawking from 1995-2006