Sam lightner

  • Brain outside of Sam's head

    Brain outside of Sam's head
    When Sams mom Debbie started getting bigger she went for a check up and got told that the baby's brain was floating outside of his head.
  • Sam lightner was born

    Sam lightner was born
    Sam Lightner was born premature, with a rare life-threatening facial disfigurement
  • first operation

    first operation
    just a few days after sam was born he got operated on, removing one pound, ten ounces of tissue under Sam's neck.
  • Second operation

    Second operation
    Sam got operated on a second time, putting a hole in Sams throat and removing some of the bulk above his ear. After being operated on twice Sam had lost a quarter of his weight.
  • Sam's first time home

    Sam's first time home
    The day after christmas Sam was released from the hospital and went home for the first time.
  • Period: to

    Sam has been in a coma for weeks

    After being in a coma for weeks Sams head has grown larger then it has ever been. sam was in something called the lock in syndrome; main remain consciousness and intelligent thought but be paralyzed expect for eye movement.
  • Mulliken operates on Sam

    Mulliken operates on Sam
    The boys family finally found someone that would operate on Sam to try and remove the mass on his face. Mullike started at a spot near Sam's left ear. After fifreen minutes he had to opened a three-inch incision and the blood flowed, which made his close to death so they had to close the operaion.
  • losing weight

    losing weight
    Sam had lost seventeen pounds since early august; he know weights sicty-three. He couldn't speak, he was listless and didn't move from his bed.
  • Sam went for a check up because he was feeling sick

    Sam went for a check up because he was feeling sick
    Sam started felling dizzy and went to the hospital to get checked out. The doctors discovered excess fluid around his brain.
  • class of 2004

    class of 2004
    Sam went to his first day of school in 2004 even though he wasn't feeling all that good.
  • Stayed home from school

    Sam started staying home from school, he felt sick, very dizzy and couldn't get out of his bed.
  • letters

    The first letters started arriving at the hospital the day turned 15. All the letters were touching and the Lightners were thankful.
  • Brain

    Sam got operated on to drain the spinal fluid. The doctor hooked up the shunt and the fluid began to flow, letting the brain adjust to the drainage.
  • Sam has been in a coma for weeks

    Sam has been in a coma for weeks
    After being in a coma for weeks Sams head has grown larger then it has ever been. sam was in something called the lock in syndrome; main remain consciousness and intelligent thought but be paralyzed expect for eye movement.
  • After 3 months in the hospital

    After 3 months in the hospital
    Sam started responding to peoples commands after 3 months, and after 133 days in the hospital, must of it in a coma, he was aloud to go home.
  • Sam first day back to school

    Sam first day back to school
    Sam, now a fresh man will register at Grant High School, and on Septemeber 2ed he would attend the first day.