Rudolf carnap 1960

Rudolf Carnap

  • Birth

    Rudolf Carnap was born May 18, 1891 in Ronsdorf, Germany. Rudolf was born to a ribbon-weaver father and a an academic stock mother. Rudolf Carnap was a leading exponent of logical positivism and was one of the major philosophers of the twentieth century. Making significant contributions to philosophy of science, philosophy of language amongst a lot more.
  • First schools

    In 1898 his family moved to Barmen where Carnap studied at Gymnasium. From 1910-1914 he studied philosophy, physics and mathematics at the universities of Jena and Freiburg. He studied Kant under Bruno Bauch where he became fond of Kant's theory of space. Carnap took more courses under the professor Gottlob Frege in 1910, 1913, and 1914. After this time Carnap was going to write his first dissertation on thermionic emission but was interrupted by World War I and Carnap served until 1917.
  • Logical Construction of the World and Pseudoproblems of Philosophy

    Logical Construction of the World and Pseudoproblems of Philosophy
    In 1928, Carnap published The Logical Structure of the World which he developed a formal version of empiricism arguing that all scientific terms are definable by means of phenomenalistic language. In the same year he published Pseudoproblems in Philosophy describing the meaninglessness of many philosophical problems. Carnap, Ruolf. The Logical Structure of the World: And, Pseudoproblems in Philosophy. Open Court Publishing, 1928.
  • Death

    With his published works and leadership in very profound organizations, Carnap undeniably made contributions to science and semantics and is known as the great philosopher of the 20th century and one of the creators of logical positivism.