Rise of the Greek Empire/Alexander the Great

  • 323

    Alexander's death

    Alexander dies in Babylon at 32
  • 324

    Mass Marriage

    In a mass marriage ceremony, Alexander links himself and 90 of his friends and officers to Persian nobles.
  • 326

    Battle of Hydaspes

    Alexander defeats Indian King Porus
  • 326

    Alexander begins homewards

    Alexander's exhausted army mutinies at the Hydphasis River, he reluctantly agrees to begin the journey homewards
  • 331

    Battle of Gaugamela

    Another victory over Darius
  • 333

    Battle of Issus

    Alexander defeats his rival, King Darius of Persia
  • 334

    Battle of Granicus

    Alexanders first major victory
  • 344

    Alexander tames Bucephalas

    Alexander astounds spectators, including Father, y taming the unruly stallion Bucephalas
  • 356

    Alexander III is born

  • Battle of Chaeronea

  • Alexander crosses the Hindu Kush in 17 days