Noam chomsky

Noam Chomsky December 7, 1928

  • Noam Chomsky December 7,1928

    Noam Chomsky was born on December 7th, 1928. He was born in Pennsylvania, US and is regarded as the father of modern linguistics. Although he is also a Philosopher, and a political activist with known works in each category. He was formerly a professor at MIT, as well as currently being a professor at University of Arizona.
  • Noam Chomsky Philosophy

    Noam Chomsky's was also involved in the field of philosophy. His theory on language acquisition follows rationalism rather than empiricism, and claims that there are certain parts of language in which children just innately pick up and learn, rather than having to put much mental effort in. This theory of language is Universal Grammar. His philosophy on this field of science sparked a massive change within the field of linguistics and pushed it towards the spotlight of a major social science.
  • Noam Chomsky Syntactic Structure 1957

    Noam Chomsky Syntactic Structure 1957
    In February of 1957, Noam Chomsky released his first book which was called "Syntactic Structure". This book was written by him while he was a professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). This book revolutionized the field of Linguistics and brought it into the light as a major social science. In this book, Chomsky explains the theory of Transformational Generative Grammar, and discusses the construction of a sentence and it's various parts. Chomsky, Noam. Syntactic Structure. 1969.
  • Noam Chomsky Language and Mind 1968

    Noam Chomsky Language and Mind 1968
    In 1968, another one of Noam Chomsky's influential and important works was released. In this book, Chomsky goes in depth about how his theory on language applies to other fields and can utilize tools like philosophical analysis. He discusses how both the fields of philosophy and linguistics are are trying to answer similar questions, therefore the results from each should not be as independent. He also describes how if Empiricism was less prevalent, his findings would have occurred much earlier.
  • Noam Chomsky This video is just a snippet of an interview with Noam Chomsky. This video shows Chomsky's belief on how important and interconnected science and philosophy both are, which helps to drive some of his ideas and work.