E mercy otis warren

Mercy Otis Warren

By jej5960
  • Mercy Otis was born

    Mercy Otis was born
    She was the 3rd child of 13 children. Merci was born to James Otis and Mary Allyne Otis
  • Mercy Meets her Future Husband

    Mercy Meets her Future Husband
    Mercy attends the Harvard Commencement with her brother James. Here she will meet James Warren, her future husband.
  • Mercy marries James Warren

    Mercy marries James Warren
    That year soon after they were married they both moved to Plymouth, Massachusettes.
  • Mercy had her First Son

    Mercy had her First Son
    Her first son was born. His name was James.
  • Mercy Gives Birth to her Second Son

    Mercy Gives Birth to her Second Son
    Mercy's second son, Winslow is born.
  • Mercy Gives BIrth to her Third Son

    Mercy Gives BIrth to her Third Son
    Mercy's 3rd child is born. His name is Charles.
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    James Warren is Elected to the Massachuusettes House of Representatives

    James Warren, Mercy's husband, is Elected to the Massachuusettes House of Representatives.
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    Formed the Commitee of Correspondents

    Mercy and James fromed the commitee of correspondents with John Adams.
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    The Aulateur is Featured in the Massuchusettes Spy

    Sections from The Aulateur, written by Mercy appeared in the Massachusettes Spy.
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    Wrote The Defeat

    Mercy wrote the book The Defeat but this book along with many others was published anonymously.
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    The Group was Published

    Another one of Mercy's great writings was published.
  • Common Sense was Published

    Common Sense was Published
    Common Sense By Thomas Paine
    - Mercy was inspired, she thought it was very well written and she gained a few ideas from this for her plays and writings.
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    The Series of 3 books were published

    3 Books were published
    -History of the Rise
    -Termination of the American Revolution
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    The Friendship of the Adams and Warrens is seperated

    10 letters from John Adams and 6 letters from Mercy were published in a HIstory Book and it containted rude comments about John Adams. The Warren's and Adams' seperated there friendship.
  • Mercy Warren Dies

    Mercy Warren Dies
    Mercy died in Plymouth, Massachusettes when she was 86 years old.
  • Ms. Warren is Inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame

    Ms. Warren is Inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame
    Ms. Warren is Inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame.