Mark Twain

  • Twain is born

    Twain is born
    On November 30th, Twain was born prematurely.
  • Twain family moves into new home

    In 1843 the Twain family moved into the house that is know as Twains boyhood home.
  • Poverty pushes Twain family out of home

    Poverty pushes Twain family out of home
    Due to loss of funds, the Twain family was forced to move in with a Dr.
  • Family moves again

    In 1846, the Twain family was able to move back into Twains boyhood home.
  • Samuel referred to as "Mark" for the first time

    Twain's original full name was Samuel Langhorne Clemens. He was first referred to as "Mark Twain" in 1863.
  • California bound

    Twain leaves home to pursue a job at a newspaper in California.
  • Switches to Sacramento Union

    Twain worked briefly for a newspaper in Sacramento, which sent him on assignment to Hawaii.
  • Twain marries

    Twain married Olivia Langdon and tried to have a son. Unfortunately his son died while he was still a baby.
  • Tom Saywer is published

    In 1876, Twain was able to get "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" published.